My French bulldog weighs as much as a DEER – people stop me in the street to say he’s too fat but I never overfeed him
A FRENCH bulldog owner whose pooch weighs as much as a deer has hit back at people who stop her in the street to call her dog too fat.
Danielle is the proud owner of 26kg Frankie the Frenchie, her five-year-old canine that constantly turns heads in the street.
She says she can’t walk anywhere with Frankie without her being stopped in the street by people who call the dog too fat, despite her not overfeeding him.
Danielle said: “I get asked what I feed him; I don’t overfeed him, he’s just on dried food, no special diet or anything like that.”
Danielle reckons the dog could be a record-breaker as it weighs in at more than any other known large French bulldog globally, she told Manchester Evening News.
Frankie has been described as “unnaturally big” and weighs as much as a small adult deer.
Danielle, who lives with Frankie in Eccles, Greater Manchester, says the dog has always been large, even from when he was just a few months old.
She described him as “very long” and as having big paws in his youth, before he began to grow even larger and attract attention for his unusual size.
Danielle, who works in training and recruitment in the travel industry, now believes Frankie may be the world’s largest French bulldog, outranking another supersized pooch from Australia.
Diaz, otherwise known as Daddy Diaz, weighs 22kg and lays claim to being the largest French bulldog in Australia, but had been hoping to gain the global title.
Owner Aden Bedot, from Sydney, realised Diaz was going to grow into a “big boy” when he was just six-months-old.
When he was last weighed, Diaz came in at more than double the average weight for his breed.
French bulldogs are typically around 28 to 33 centimetres tall once fully grown, with males weighing between 10 to 14 kilograms – females weigh in slightly lighter at around 9 to 13 kilograms.
But weighing a whopping 26kg, Danielle believes Frankie could steal Diaz’s crown and has considered even entering the super size pup into the Guinness World Records.
She said: “It must be every other day someone says, ‘Oh my God, that’s the biggest French bulldog I’ve ever seen.’”
Danielle added he was the “fattest lump from the litter” when she collected him from a family that had bred him.
After taking him to the vets because of an ear infection, he weighed in at 26kg, which Danielle later discovered was larger than any recorded French bulldog in the world.
Despite his size, Danielle describes Frankie as a “big softie” who loves nothing more than a cuddle, adding he often forgets how big he is when he tries to curl up on her lap.
She says Frankie has now become so well-known in and around Salford that he’s often recognised by others, with kids shouting his name in the streets.
I own Britain’s biggest dog – he’s 7ft 2in, weighs over 18st and eats 10lbs of meat a day
PROUD dog lover Dylan Walsh reckons he owns Britain’s biggest pooch — a 7ft 2in giant who weighs more than 18 stone.
Dylan calls Abu his “house horse” but the two-year-old Turkish Malakli could yet put on another 5st — because he is far from full grown.
He demolishes 10lbs of meat a day, often munching two whole chickens for his tea, which costs Dylan £400 a month.
Dog trainer Dylan, 33, spent £7,500 to fly Abu over from Turkey when he was four months old — and already the size of an adult Labrador.
He lives with Dylan, his partner Naomi and their kids India, five, and Reuben, four, in the family’s four-bed semi in Redcar, North Yorks.
Dylan said: “If he decides to flop on the settee, there’s not much we can do about it but it leaves no room for anyone else! It’s like having a house horse.
“He fills the room when he walks into it but we wouldn’t have it any other way. He’s a lovely, gentle dog.”