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5 Surprising Things You Can't Say on TikTok

Quick LinksCigarette(s) Thick/Thicc Dead Hole Anatomical Terms for Reproductive Organs People think of TikTok as an "anything goes" platform, but that's far from true. There are some very mild words that will get you in trouble if used. You may be surprised by just howinnocent some of them are. Censorship has been a concern on TikTok for years, but it's not just about politics and minority groups. Certain words are banned from comments and private messages. Other words aren't officially banned, but using them will greatly reduce how many people will see your video. The result of these banned words has resulted in a new language of sorts. Creators say things like "seggs" and use emojis (????????) in place of words. It's a very interesting side effect of some heavy-handed moderation. Let's take a look at some of these words people can't use. Related: What Is TikTok, and Why Are Teens Obsessed with It? Cigarette(s) It's no mystery that cigarettes are bad for you. There's a reason why they have...

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