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Tell Virginia General Assembly to Reject Measure for Abortions Up to Birth

This Wednesday the 2025 General Assembly will convene in Richmond. We are going to be fighting battles on all fronts, but the most important and consequential fight this legislative session will come over HJ1, the unlimited abortion amendment.

Because HJ1 was passed by the full Privileges and Elections Committee in November, this resolution goes straight to the House floor and could be voted on by the end of this week.

The author of this amendment, Delegate Charniele Herring (D-Alexandria) recently compared unborn babies to cancer. Yes, you read that correctly. Delegate Herring while defending her amendment said, “We as politicians have decided we’re going to determine how to treat a patient and we’re not even in the room with them. We don’t do that with cancer.”

ACTION ALERT: Contact members of the Virginia House of Delegrates and tell them to OPPOSE the bill creating a right to abortion.

We have a message for Delegate Herring and any other elected officials that support this amendment: babies are not cancer, they are a blessing.

In addition to the dehumanizing rhetoric involved, this amendment is a disaster for all Virginians. Not only does it remove any remaining pro-life protections currently in Virginian law, it also grants a broad and ambiguous “right to reproductive freedom” to all Virginians.

It does not take a rocket scientist to discover that there is a whole lot more to “reproductive freedom” than abortion. If passed this constitutional amendment could be used to guarantee:

  • No parental consent for minors seeking abortions
  • Unlimited abortion through all stages of pregnancy
  • That no oversight over abortionists to ensure that they protect women
  • Sex change surgeries for minors

HJ1 is looking like it will be the top priority of elected Democrats this upcoming session. This piece of legislation is dangerous for babies, mothers, and Virginians and must be defeated.

It is clear that the author of this amendment has no regard for babies or the safety of vulnerable pregnant women, but we are here to remind her that those in the womb are not some cancer, tumor, or parasite. They are fearfully and wonderfully created the same way we all once were. They are just as entitled to the right to life as you and I are. Since they cannot speak up for themselves, it is our job to be their voice.

Urge your Delegate in the House to Vote No on HJ1 that would enshrine unlimited abortion into the state constitution.

And please pray for the Commonwealth of Virginia throughout the 2025 General Assembly session.

ACTION ALERT: Contact members of the Virginia House of Delegrates and tell them to OPPOSE the bill creating a right to abortion.

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