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WATCH: Poet Joseph Massey Reads Powerful New Poem Dedicated to Trump’s Second Inauguration – ‘America is the Poem’ (VIDEO)

Trump was sworn in as the 47th President of the United States

Joseph Massey is an American poet living in New York who has published numerous works. He is also a Trump supporter.

In honor of Trump’s second inauguration, Massey wrote a new work titled ‘America is the Poem.’ You can hear him reading it in the moving video below.

Production of the video was done by Sasha Stone, a former liberal and Trump supporter who works in the entertainment industry.

Take a look, this is beautiful:

Massey published the poem in its entirety on Substack, here’s an excerpt:

America Is the Poem

for Donald Trump’s
Second Presidential Inauguration
January 20, 2025

Rain washes the dust from train windows 
as we barrel through the poem of America.
From New York to Chicago, I watch it scroll by—
frame by frame and line by line.

        Rivers and lakes reflect the pale winter sky
and haunt my vision. 
                 America, what you were, 
and will be again—I see you 
in silos rising like fists from farmland.
America, the land itself says, “Fight!”

America, I see you in chipped brick walls 
stained with faded logos. 
                I see you there, waiting 
to rise from gone-under towns
and cities spangled in endless dusk.

               We can see you now
emerging from boarded-up corner bars,
baseball fields barbed with weeds,
hollowed-out churches
and factories folded in on themselves
like crushed cans reclaimed by the wild. 

               And we see you, and we know you 
in ragtag families packed into vehicles 
to head to church on a Sunday, 
or to visit a grandfather who remembers war 
and what it means to survive 
for love of the country that survives because of him
and his brothers—gone.

America, for love, we go on.

It’s a beautiful piece of work for a new day in America. Thank you, Mr. Massey.

The post WATCH: Poet Joseph Massey Reads Powerful New Poem Dedicated to Trump’s Second Inauguration – ‘America is the Poem’ (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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