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Cast your vote in the Bay Area News Group’s comics contest

For two weeks, we’ve filled the vacancy on our comics pages with something new – Ray Billingsley’ heartwarming, gently funny Curtis comic strip. But Billingsley isn’t the only gifted artist out there. We’re hoping you’ll help us make the final decision.

Today and over the weekend, we’re taking four comics out for a spin:

• Curtis — Billingsley uses this classic strip to tell gentle tales of sibling rivalry and family ties, school, church and neighborhood life.

• Macanudo — A little girl, an imaginary monster and chubby penguins star in Argentine illustrator Liniers’ watercolor-illustrated strip.

• Insanity Streak — Tony Lopes’ comic panels flit from one quirky topic to another, touching on everything from astronauts to cows.

• Daddy Daze – Cartoonist John Kovaleski’s strip offers a wry take on life as a single dad whose baby, Angus, has opinions, despite his limited vocabulary.

You’ll find the quirky quartet in print editions of the Mercury News and East Bay Times on Jan. 30, Feb. 1 and 2 — with a vote by mail ballot running on the 26th. But subscribers can vote here instead from now through Feb. 5. (One ballot per household, please.)

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