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in:PC 1.1, Items, Craftable Items, and4 moreToolsHardmode ItemsLimited ReforgeabilityDrillsSign in to editHistoryTalk (0)Drills are pickaxe-type tools, used in the mining of dirt, stone, ores and other blocks.The lowest Tier is the Cobalt Drill. When standing still, it has a range of 6 feet (3 blocks) above and below the player, and when hugging a wall, the range is 10 feet (5 blocks) in front of them. The Cobalt Drill is crafted using an Iron Anvil. However, to craft the rest of them, a Mythril Anvil is required. Please note that Drills cannot get a +speed modifier, so it won't be able to go faster (unless you have something that does +melee speed.) Also, Drills go slightly slower than Pickaxes.ImageDrillDamagePickaxe PowerSpeedMaterials to craftCan mineCobalt Drill10110%Fast (24)15 Cobalt BarsUp to Mythril and OrichalcumPalladium Drill12130%Fast (24)18 Palladium BarsUp to Mythril and OrichalcumMythril Drill15150%Fast (24)15 Mythril BarsUp to Adamantite and TitaniumOrichalcum Drill171...

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