İstanbul'da sahte içki can aldı: 7 kişi öldü, 8'i hastanede
İstanbul'da yılbaşı öncesi sahte içki can aldı. Üç farklı ilçede satışa sunulan içkilerden 7 kişi hayatını kaybederken, 8 kişi de zehirlendi. Olayla ilgili soruşturma başlatıldı.
İstanbul'da yılbaşı öncesi sahte içki can aldı. Üç farklı ilçede satışa sunulan içkilerden 7 kişi hayatını kaybederken, 8 kişi de zehirlendi. Olayla ilgili soruşturma başlatıldı.
Die Bahn bietet rund um Weihnachten mehr Sitzplätze an. Mit dem Fahrplanwechsel werden internationale Verbindungen ausgebaut. Doch die Preise steigen. mehr...
V roce 2023 uvedla zpěvačka Marta Kubišová na udílení cen Český slavík do Síně slávy svého pěveckého kolegu z kapely Golden Kids Václava Neckáře a letos do ní sama vstoupí. Stane se tak už v pátek večer v samém vrcholu letošního ročníku populární ceny.
Το Διεθνές Δικαστήριο της Χάγης θα εξετάσει τις νομικές υποχρεώσεις των χωρών που ευθύνονται περισσότερο για τις καταστροφικές αλλαγές στο παγκόσμιο κλίμα.
L'ex velina è un fiume in piena: ecco cos'è accaduto al Grande Fratello
Dopo l'incendio del 2019 la cattedrale di Parigi sarà inaugurata il 7 dicembre. Il restauro è costato circa 700 milioni di euro, frutto solo di donazioni
A meno di due giorni dall’inizio del cessate il fuoco, Israele ha colpito nuovamente il sud del Libano con un attacco aereo, dimostrando ancora una volta come possa agire senza temere conseguenze. Il pretesto, questa volta, era un presunto deposito di razzi di Hezbollah. È l’ennesima violazione del diritto internazionale da parte di un Paese […]
Читать дальше...Rusko vedie "ohromujúco bezohľadné" sabotážne aktivity v Európe a zároveň zintenzívňuje hrozby jadrovými zbraňami, aby odstrašilo iné krajiny od podpory Ukrajiny. Uviedol to v piatok šéf britskej rozviedky Richard Moore, informujú agentúry Reuters a AP. Riaditeľ britskej rozviedky známej aj ako MI6...
Německá opoziční Svobodná demokratická strana (FDP), která byla do počátku listopadu členem koaliční vlády kancléře Olafa Scholze, čelí kritice kvůli údajně cynickým přípravám na rozpad kabinetu. Strana ve čtvrtek pod tlakem zveřejnila osmistránkový dokument, který odhaluje její několikatýdenní přípravy na „Den D“. Její generální tajemník v reakci na kritiku rezignoval.
Kończy się pierwsza część fazy zasadniczej. Przed nami już tylko dwie kolejki, które zadecydują o tym, kto zagra w ćwierćfinale Pucharu Polski. Bezsprzecznie dużo ważyć będzie hit 14. kolejki, w którym Asseco Resovia Rzeszów podejmie na Podpromiu ZAKSĘ Kędzierzyn-Koźle. Obydwie drużyny liczą się w walce o awans. Ewentualna przegrana Pasów zamknie im drogę. Faworytem sobotniego […]
Читать дальше...Neue Amtsperiode mit klarer Forderung: Politik muss FH/HAW endlich in den Fokus rücken und dringend Rahmenbedingungen verbessern!
Son statut de meilleur buteur actuel de la D1 ACFF en atteste : Léandro Rousseau affiche une régularité de métronome dans le collectif de l’Olympic. Et son appétit viendra en mangeant… ... - A heartbreaking story of a loyal dog in Russia has gone viral on social media.
Tallinna botaanikaaed saab sel pühapäeval ehk 1. detsembril 63-aastaseks. Pidupäeva puhul toimuvad botaanikaaias põnevad ekskursioonid ja töötoad.
Avustralya'da 60'tan fazla çocuğa cinsel istismarda bulunan kreş çalışanı Ashley Paul Griffith, hakkında mahkeme kararı açıklandı. 2003-2022 yılları arasında Avustralya ve İtalya'daki kreşlerde işlediği 307 suçu itiraf eden Griffith ömür boyu hapis cezasına çarptırıldı.
»Technisch gesehen bin ich ein ausländischer Agent«, sagt Pras Michél über sich selbst. Der Fugees-Star war eigener Schilderung nach Teil eines wilden Finanzskandals. Wie es dazu kam, hat er nun in einem Interview erzählt.
Huit personnes mineures prétendent avoir été victimes d’attouchements. Le dossier sera mis à l’introduction. ...
Dans les prochaines années, le Maroc pourrait bien devenir un hub nord-méditerranéen de l’industrie de la défense. Le royaume chérifien envisage en effet la mise en place d’avantages fiscaux destinés à attirer sur son sol les fabricants d’armes et de munitions. is reader-supported. I may earn a commission when you purchase via links on this page.People who are restricted to bed rest are prone to conditions such as Pressure sores or Bedsores. Bedridden patients stay in the same position for a long time. As a result, certain regions of their body may incur compression.In addition to that, prolonged contact with supportive devices such as splint, brace, bandage, or Tubigrip can lead to an accumulation of pressure in some regions of the body.A... Читать дальше...
Table of ContentsBuying Guide: Factors To Consider When Buying The Best Pressure Pad For Bed SoresBest Pressure Pads For Bed Sores1)Meridian Alternating Pressure Mattress with Electric Pump2) Vive Alternating Pressure Pad for bed sores3) Medacure Pressure Redistribution Foam4) ESLYYDS Alternating Air Pressure Mattress for Medical or Standard Bed5) Medical MedAir Low Air Loss Mattress6) Vaunn Medical Cloud Air Whisper Quiet Alternating Air Pressure Mattress7) VOCIC Medical Grade Alternating Air Pressure... Читать дальше...
OverviewA hip fracture is a serious injury, with complications that can be life-threatening. The risk of hip fracture rises with age.Risk increases because bones tend to weaken with age (osteoporosis). Multiple medications, poor vision and balance problems also make older people more likely to fall — one of the most common causes of hip fracture.A hip fracture almost always requires surgical repair or replacement, followed by physical therapy. Taking steps to maintain bone density and avoid falls... Читать дальше...
These areas of damaged skin and tissue are caused by sustained pressure — often from a bed or wheelchair — that reduces blood flow to vulnerable areas of the body.OverviewBedsores are injuries to the skin and the tissue below the skin that are due to pressure on the skin for a long time. Bedsores most often arise on skin that covers bony areas of the body, such as the heels, ankles, hips and tailbone. Bedsores also are called pressure ulcers, pressure injuries and decubitus ulcers.The people who... Читать дальше...
OverviewNerve and damaged myelin sheathNerve and damaged myelin sheathThe demyelinating form of Guillain-Barre syndrome destroys the protective covering of the peripheral nerves, known as the myelin sheath. This damage prevents the nerves from transmitting signals to the brain.Guillain-Barre (gee-YAH-buh-RAY) syndrome is a condition in which the body's immune system attacks the nerves. It can cause weakness, numbness or paralysis.Weakness and tingling in the hands and feet are usually the first symptoms. Читать дальше...
OverviewWhat a cataract looks likeWhat a cataract looks likeA cataract occurs when the lens of your eye becomes cloudy. Eventually, a cataract can become like the one shown in this person's right eye.How a cataract affects your visionHow a cataract affects your visionClear vision, like on the left, becomes blurred as a cataract forms, like on the right.A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye, which is typically clear. For people who have cataracts, seeing through cloudy lenses is like looking through a frosty or fogged-up window. Читать дальше...
Print OverviewHow psoriasis developsHow psoriasis developsIn psoriasis, the life cycle of your skin cells greatly accelerates, leading to a buildup of dead cells on the surface of the epidermis.Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes a rash with itchy, scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp.Psoriasis is a common, long-term (chronic) disease with no cure. It can be painful, interfere with sleep and make it hard to concentrate. The condition tends to go through cycles, flaring for a few weeks or months... Читать дальше...