World News

Новости за 23.12.2024

Mundo Deportivo 

¡Premier Padel presenta el calendario para 2025! Habrá un torneo más en España

Sin apenas tiempo para digerir todas las emociones vividas en el Palau Sant Jordi, Premier Padel ya se ha puesto manos a la obra para afrontar la próxima temporada. El circuito oficial de pádel profesional líder a nivel global, ha anunciado hoy su esperado calendario para 2025, con un total de 24 torneos repartidos entre 16 países. 

Vox resume en «corrupción» el año de Sánchez y pide a los Reyes Magos una moción de censura

Cuando el presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, estaba aún compareciendo en el Palacio de la Moncloa para hacer balance del año, el portavoz nacional de Vox, José Antonio Fúster, hacía lo propio en la sede de su partido. No necesitaba esperar a escuchar al jefe del Ejecutivo para resumir en una palabra el legado de Sánchez este 2024: «Corrupción». «Sánchez es un experto en mentir a los españoles, nosotros ofrecemos un balance mejor, uno honrado», ha ofrecido Fúster para pasar a continuación a relatar... Читать дальше...


Trigoria, colloquio Ranieri-Pellegrini a inizio allenamento: ancora assente Cristante, out Pisilli per febbre. Le indicazioni del mister: "Pressione e tiro in porta" (FOTO e VIDEO)

All'indomani della vittoria per 5-0 contro il Parma, la Roma è subito tornata al lavoro e in mattinata odierna ha svolto il primo allenamento al centro sportivo 'Fulvio Bernardini' di Trigoria in vista del big match di domenica contro il Milan . Come di consueto dopo una partita, la squadra è stata divisa in due gruppi: scarico per chi ha giocato ieri e lavoro in campo per chi è rimasto in panchina. Da segnalare le assenze di Bryan Cristante , il quale non ha ancora recuperato dal colpo alla caviglia subito contro l' Atalanta... Читать дальше...

Basquet caliente 

Triunfo cordobés

Nicola Pomoli se quedó con el mano a mano ante Mathias Calfani, Instituto venció en un juego apretado a Obras Sanitarias por la Liga Nacional. Hasta el minuto final se mantuvo la incertidumbre, donde el local cerró mejor y se quedó con el punto a su favor por 94-92. Copello fue el goleador del ganador […]

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Sánchez reitera que se reunirá con Puigdemont: «No tengo ningún problema»

El presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez , ha realizado este lunes, tras presidir la última reunión del Consejo de Ministros del año, su habitual rueda de prensa de balance, en este caso de 2024. Allí, y a preguntas de la prensa, ha confirmado su intención de reunirse con el expresidente catalán fugado, Carles Puigdemont . « No tengo ningún problema », ha señalado, argumentando que España «ha pasado página de lo que sucedió en el año 2017» y no puede «mirar hacia atrás, sino hacia adelante». El... Читать дальше...


Five things to know about your Swiss bank account before emigrating

Swiss nationals abroad frequently pay significantly higher fees at Swiss banks than their compatriots in Switzerland. You can find an overview of prices here. Overnight, fees can go from CHF60 ($67) to a staggering CHF300 ($335) per year. For Swiss citizens living abroad, maintaining a Swiss bank account requires deep. These high costs are often unavoidable for emigrants as a Swiss account is often necessary, particularly those relying on second pillar pensions payments. In our Guide to Moving Abroad... Читать дальше...


Culture shock: The four phases of emigration

Moving abroad is an exciting but often challenging experience. Many emigrants experience different phases between culture shock and assimilation. When you emigrate, you leave family, friends and the familiar behind without knowing what your new everyday life will look like. “This inevitably leads to a transition phase in which the old is missing and the new is not yet tangible,” says Rahel Siegenthaler, intercultural communication expert and coach. Despite careful preparation for your new life abroad... Читать дальше...


From emigration to arrival: How to successfully integrate abroad

From culture shock to new friendships: experts share their advice for integrating in a new country and building new friendships Some are lured abroad by their dream job; others are looking for the perfect climate. Older people may decide to spend their retirement abroad for financial reasons. Around 30,000 Swiss people leave their home country every year. In 2023, more than 813,000 Swiss citizens were living abroad. Regardless of the reason, everyone faces the challenge of integrating into a new culture. Читать дальше...


From CV to interview: how to apply for a job abroad

Applying for jobs in other countries means adapting to different standards and expectations. In this article, experts offer advice on applying for jobs in the international labour market. Applying for a job abroad may require using a different language and certainly demands cultural awareness. What is normal in Switzerland may be different in the USA, France or Japan. This article will provide useful tips for those seeking employment in another country. In our Guide to Moving Abroad you will find... Читать дальше...


What you need to know to get a job abroad

Emigrating from Switzerland in search of work in another country? Here is some sound advice. Strolling through Manhattan with a coffee to go. Enjoying the Paris art de vivre from day to day. Or heading down to Bondi Beach after work with a surfboard under your arm. Have you dreamed of leaving Switzerland to work abroad? Or are you moving abroad with a partner and hoping to find a job for yourself? SWI has been talking to experts and has some suggestions to offer. In our Guide to Moving... Читать дальше...


Tax information when emigrating from Switzerland: what you need to know

Tax liability in Switzerland does not always end at the country's border – here’s what you should bear in mind when moving abroad. If you are moving to another country, does that mean no more tax liability in Switzerland? It might work - but it's not that simple. In our Guide to Moving Abroad you will find further tips for emigrating from Switzerland and the life abroad. Where do the Swiss Abroad pay taxes? Swiss emigrants who live and work abroad or draw an old-age and survivor insurance pension (OASI ... Читать дальше...


Emigration: what steps should I take to leave Switzerland?

This checklist will help you with your move – and provides additional helpful articles and links. Whether it's a new climate, culture or career move, relocating requires careful planning. Here's what you need to know. In our Guide to Moving Abroad you will find further tips for emigrating from Switzerland and the life abroad. What do I need to do if I want to leave Switzerland? Plan ahead: for distant countries, gathering all necessary documents can take up to two years. Discuss your plans with close family and friends... Читать дальше...


Unemployed abroad? Returning to Switzerland requires careful preparation

For Swiss nationals planning to return to Switzerland after living abroad, it is useful to prepare the ground carefully in order to avoid ugly surprises – especially if job-seeking is on the cards. For Swiss nationals all over the world, the red passport is a kind of insurance policy. If things do not go as planned, they can always go back to Switzerland. But the reality is sometimes not so straightforward. “You can’t afford to return without a good plan,” warns a Swiss woman who returned home after 12 years in the UK. Читать дальше...


Moving abroad: a helpful checklist

Are you planning to emigrate? This checklist is packed with expert tips to help guide you through each logistical step. Whether it's wanderlust, professional ambition or love, around 30,000 Swiss people leave the Alpine country every year, relocating abroad to realise long-cherished dreams. This checklist will guide you through the logistical steps and provide tips for moving abroad. In our Guide to Moving Abroad you will find further tips for emigrating from Switzerland and the life abroad. We've... Читать дальше... 

X podnosi ceny subskrypcji Premium+ na całym świecie. Mocno podnosi

X ogłosiło, że podniesie ceny subskrypcji Premium+ na całym świecie. Nowa struktura wchodzi od dzisiaj – nowi abonenci będą musieli natychmiast zapłacić zmienione stawki. Jeśli jednak jesteś obecnym abonentem X Premium+ i Twój kolejny cykl rozliczeniowy rozpocznie się przed 20 stycznia 2025 r., Twoje ceny pozostaną takie same, a nowe ceny będą obowiązywać dopiero w […]

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Nejproduktivnější hráč? Brankář! Takový byl plán, přiznal Rod Brind’Amour

Málo vídaná anomálie byla k vidění v nedělním odpoledním utkání v Madison Square Garden. Jezdci opět nepřekročili svůj stín z posledních týdnů a prohráli s Carolinou 1:3. Martin Nečas se potřetí za sebou bodově neprosadil (v pěti zápasech 0+1), vůbec to ale nevadilo. Trefovali se jiní. A hvězdou bodového zápisu byl překvapivě Pjotr Kočetkov!