World News

Why rare Russian books are vanishing from European libraries

Why rare Russian books are vanishing from European libraries

First editions of works by Russian author Alexander Pushkin can fetch well above CHF10,000 ($11,050) – one factor which recently made them the targets of a criminal gang operating throughout Europe, including in Switzerland. Last year, the university library in Geneva was the victim of a rare theft: two men managed to get hold of four valuable Pushkin first editions, insured to the value of CHF173,000. The theft on October 31, 2023, was not an isolated case: first-edition works have been disappearing from numerous European libraries over the past two years. What’s striking is how the thefts have targeted Russian classics – especially by Pushkin (1799-1837). Georgian suspects arrested In April this year, European police authority Europol arrested a further four Georgians in connection with the thefts; following previous arrests, nine people have in total been stopped – in France, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The individuals are suspected of having stolen a total of 170 ...

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