World News

Lake Shchuchye’s underwater flora and a curious crayfish captured on video - A stunning underwater video of Lake Shchuchye in Burabay has been captured by a drone. The footage reveals the hidden beauty of the lake.
The official Instagram page of Burabay National Park shared the video, which quickly garnered attention from viewers.

"Look under the water of Lake Shchuchye (Shortankol - ed.) together with our underwater drone! Thanks to the latest equipment, we have the opportunity to study the underwater world of our national park. In this footage you will see amazing underwater flora and an incredible encounter with a funny crayfish, which decided to run away to its hiding place at the sight of the drone. This unique footage helps us better understand and preserve the underwater ecosystems of our lakes," the National Park said.

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Публикация от ҚР ПІБ "Бурабай" Мемлекеттік ұлттық табиғи паркі" ММ (@parkburabay)

The video has already received comments, users noted that they are glad to have a glimpse into the underwater world of the lake.
'Such a clear and beautiful lake, I sometimes fish there in winter,' 'Amazing,' 'Impressive,' wrote users in the comments.
As noted, Lake Shortankol is the third largest lake in the Burabay resort area (after Ainakol and Shabakkol).

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