World News

Stricter Swiss sales and ad rules for tobacco products

From October 1, stricter sales, advertising and notification regulations for tobacco products and electronic cigarettes will apply in Switzerland. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox The measures that will apply from October include a uniform nationwide ban on sales to people under the age of 18 and stricter advertising restrictions, for example on posters, on public transport, in cinemas, in publicly accessible buildings such as train stations and airports and on sports grounds. Wherever there is already a smoking ban, this will now also apply to heated products and electronic cigarettes. + Swiss addiction experts alarmed by rise in young smokers Sponsorship of events with an international character or for an underage audience is no longer permitted, the government announced on Wednesday. There are also new pictorial warnings on tobacco packaging, for example. Parliament is currently discussing tightening the Tobacco Products Act further. Translated from ...

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