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Switzerland greenlights use of self-driving cars on motorways from March 2025

From March 2025, drivers will be allowed to use self-driving technology on Swiss motorways and let go of their steering wheel. However, they must be ready to take control at any time, the government says. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox The Federal Council adopted a decree on Friday, which will come into force on March 1, as announced by the Federal Roads Office (Astra). The decree states that from that date, automated parking of a car will also be permitted without a driver inside the vehicle - but only in designated parking spaces and parking garages. + Zurich to test automated public transport service It will also be possible to use driverless vehicles on specific authorised routes. However, they must be monitored by an operator from a control centre. If the vehicle is unable to resolve a situation itself, the operator should suggest a driving manoeuvre, for example. Swiss cantons will be responsible for approving the driverless routes. Driverless ...

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