World News

Beta 4 Changelog - SMBX2

Released January 2020This update fixes several issues with the SMBX2 Beta 4 preview builds and adds additional functionality.This update includes changes that may cause behavioural inconsistencies with levels made on preview builds or Beta 3.This version is the next stable release of SMBX2 and is sufficient for releasing episodes.We will be developing proper documentation throughout the coming months. The docs button at the top will redirect to the new documentation once it's available.If you have any questions, please contact us on the Codehaus Discord server.UpdatesYellow Highlighted changes may impact how previously created levels behave!Orange Highlighted changes denote behaviour that may still persist despite our fixes. Please report back if you encouter these!Patch 4 Hotfix (2021-04-30)EngineFix a long-standing bug where deallocated CaptureBuffer Lua objects could sometimes cause flicker.NPCsDrybones: Fix a crash which could occur if you had timestop active, bopped a dry bones, a...

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