World News in Arabic

Новости за 09.07.2024

RT Arabic 

الاتحاد الأوروبي يسعى لـ"كبح سلوك بودابست المدمر" على خلفية زيارة أوربان إلى روسيا والصين

أفادت صحيفة "يوراكتيف" بأن الاتحاد الأوروبي سيبحث غدا رئاسة هنغاريا للاتحاد على خلفية زيارة رئيس الوزراء الهنغاري فيكتور أوربان موسكو وبكين مؤخرا في "مهمة للسلام" في أوكرانيا. 

تورکیا هۆکاری زۆربەی توندوتیژییەکانی عێراقە

گۆڤاری ئانتی وار بە ئاماژە بە ئەوەی کە نزیک بە یەک مانگی ڕابردوو 28 کەس لە عێراق کوژراون، ڕایگەیاند: سەرچاوەی زۆربەی ئەو توندوتیژی و قوربانیانە، هیرشە ئاسمانییەکانی تورکیا بووە.

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Egypt's Suez Canal revenues drop amid Red Sea shipping crisis

(MENAFN) The Central Bank of Egypt reported a 7.4 percent year-on-year decline in Suez Canal revenues for the first nine months ending in March, according to its recent "Balance of Payments" report. ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Saudi Arabia rises crude oil exports to China amid price cuts

(MENAFN) Saudi Arabia is set to increase its crude oil exports to China in August to a minimum of 44 million barrels, according to trade sources. This uptick follows substantial price reductions by ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Roche To Use AI To Help Diabetics Sleep Peacefully

(MENAFN - The Peninsula) AFP Zurich: Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche said Tuesday it would soon begin marketing a device that uses artificial intelligence to predict possible low blood ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Countdown To First Launch Of Europe's Ariane 6 Rocket

(MENAFN - The Peninsula) AFP Kourou: After four years of delays, Europe's new Ariane 6 rocket is set to blast off for the first time on Tuesday, carrying with it the continent's hopes of ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Current account deficit widens Egypt amid economic shifts

(MENAFN) In the first nine months of fiscal year 2023-2024, Egypt's current account deficit expanded significantly to USD17.1 billion, marking a notable increase from USD5.3 billion recorded in the ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Amman Stock Exchange Index Rises 0.37Pct

(MENAFN - Jordan News Agency) Amman, July 9 (Petra) - The Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) closed its trading session, Tuesday, with an increase of 0.37 percent, bringing the index to the ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Saudi Aramco Begins Selling Bonds for Long-Term Maturity

(MENAFN) Saudi Aramco has commenced preparations to issue senior unsecured bonds with maturities spanning 10, 30, and 40 years, according to a banking document. The document outlines plans for ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

White House unveils changes in ceasefire negotiations in Gaza

(MENAFN) White House National Security spokesperson John Kirby informed reporters that two senior U.S. officials are currently in Cairo to engage in ceasefire negotiations between Israel and the ...

RT Arabic 

أهمية شرب الماء في الصباح

أعلنت الدكتورة ناتاليا نوفيكوفا أخصائية الغدد الصماء، أن شرب الماء في الصباح ينشط الجهاز الهضمي ويحفز إنتاج الإنزيمات الضرورية.