World News in Arabic

Новости за 23.07.2024

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

UAE Weather: Fair To Partly Cloudy Day Dust To Blow

(MENAFN - Khaleej Times) Published: Tue 23 Jul 2024, 7:16 AM Today, fair to partly cloudy conditions will continue, according to a forecast by the National Centre ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Hizbollah Fires Rockets After Israel Strike On Lebanon

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) BEIRUT, Lebanon - Lebanon's Hizbollah on Sunday said it fired Katyusha rockets at northern Israel in response to an overnight Israeli strike that, according to state media, ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Yemen's Houthi Rebels Say Israeli Strikes Hit Hodeida Port

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) HODEIDA, Yemen - Israeli warplanes struck the Houthi-controlled Yemeni port of Hodeida on Saturday, a day after a Houthi drone attack killed a civilian in Tel Aviv, the ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Massive Global IT Crash Hits Airlines, Banks, Media

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) PARIS - Airlines, banks, TV channels and financial institutions were thrown into turmoil on Friday by one of the biggest IT crashes in recent years, caused by an update to ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Jordan's Path To Tourism Recovery, Resilience

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) Jordan has always been a popular travel destination for people all over the world because of its well-known historical sites, dynamic culture and warm hospitality. However, ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

My Recommendations To The Democratic Platform Committee

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) This week, I submitted testimony on Israel/Palestine to the Democratic Party's Platform Committee. This is my 11th convention and the ninth time I've been engaged in ...

RT Arabic 

جنوب السودان تصدق على "اتفاق عنتيبي"

صدقت دولة جنوب السودان على اتفاق الإطار التعاوني لحوض النيل المعروف باتفاق /عنتيبي/، ويهدف الاتفاق لإعادة تقسيم المياه بين دول الحوض.

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Army Chief, French Vice Admiral Discuss Military Cooperation

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) AMMAN - Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Maj. Gen. Yousef Huneiti on Monday met with Commander of the French Naval Forces in the Indian Ocean Vice Admiral Emmanuel ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

NARC Launches Initiative To Boost Water Harvesting Strategy

(MENAFN - Jordan Times) AMMAN - The National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC) on Monday launched an initiative to develop the Jordanian water harvesting strategy that focuses on empowering ...