World News in Arabic

Новости за 29.07.2024

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Jordan successfully captures 600,000 narcotic pills

(MENAFN) Jordan's Anti-Narcotics Department (AND) has recently achieved significant successes in combating drug trafficking, as reported by the Petra news agency. In a series of well-coordinated ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Turkey’s BIST 100 decreases 0.58 percent on Monday

(MENAFN) On Monday, the Turkish benchmark stock index began trading at 10,827.98 points, reflecting a decrease of 0.58 percent, or 63.44 points, from its previous closing level. This decline marks a ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Death rate in Gaza increases to 39,324 since October 2023

(MENAFN) Since the onset of Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip in October 2023, over 39,324 Palestinian civilians have been killed and more than 90,830 injured, according to reports from ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

UNESCO adds Jordan’s Umm al-Jimal village to heritage list

(MENAFN) Jordan's Umm al-Jimal village has been officially added to UNESCO's World Heritage List, a milestone celebrated on Sunday by the country's Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Makram ...

RT Arabic 

فنزويلا تحذر من تهديد لسفارتها في الأرجنتين

أكد نائب وزير الخارجية الفنزويلي راندر راميريز أن كاراكاس تحذر من تهديد من قبل السلطات الأرجنتينية باقتحام سفارتها في بوينس آيرس، حيث يتم التصويت في الانتخابات الرئاسية الفنزويلية.

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Undersecretary Of Ministry Of Interior Hosts US Official

(MENAFN - The Peninsula) QNA Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior H E Abdullah bin Khalaf bin Hattab Al Kaabi met yesterday with Deputy Under Secretary (Acting), Office of Strategy, ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Doha Ranked Third Safest City In The World

(MENAFN - The Peninsula) Victor Bolorunduro | The Peninsula Doha: Doha, and by extension, Qatar, has once again stood out as one of the safest cities and countries in Asia and indeed the ...