World News in Arabic

Новости за 09.08.2024

RT Arabic 

فوائد تجميد الأطعمة

أعلنت الدكتورة تاتيانا ميشرياكوفا خبيرة التغذية الروسية أن تجميد الأطعمة يعتبر أحد أبسط الطرق وأكثرها موثوقية وبتكلفة منخفضة للحفاظ عليها.

RT Arabic 

طريقة تساعد على تناول كمية أقل من الطعام

يشير الدكتور أوليغ غلاديشيف أخصائي الأمراض النفسية، إلى طريقة سهلة وبسيطة تستخدم على المائدة، تساعد في كبح الشعور بالجوع وتناول كمية أقل من الطعام.

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Kuwait PM Congratulates Singapore On Nat'l Day

(MENAFN - Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)) KUWAIT, Aug 9 (KUNA) -- His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah sent Friday a cable to the President of Singapore Tharman ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Kuwait Crown Prince Congratulates Singapore On Nat'l Day

(MENAFN - Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)) KUWAIT, Aug 9 (KUNA) -- His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah sent on Friday a congratulatory cable to the President of ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Road Accident In Bolivia Kills 22 Persons, Injures 16 Others

(MENAFN - Gulf Times) A traffic accident in Bolivia left 22 people dead and 16 others injured.The head-on collision between a truck and a bus on a highway in the Bolivian Andes, between the Bolivian ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Fire In Immigration Boat In Near Haitian Shores Kills 40

(MENAFN - Gulf Times) 40 people were killed and others were injured in a fire that broke out on a boat of illegal immigrants off the coast of Haiti.The International Organization for Migration said ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

After Line Sabotage .. French Train Networks Partially Restored

(MENAFN - Gulf Times) French railway company SNCF said Saturday it has made progress in partially restoring high-speed train services after acts of sabotage disrupted three major lines ahead of ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Landslides In India's Kerala Kills 19

(MENAFN - Gulf Times) At least 19 people were killed and others were injured after heavy rains caused landslides in the hills of India's southern Kerala state, Indian authorities said.The Kerala ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Chemical Company Explosion Injures 15 Persons In Germany

(MENAFN - Gulf Times) Fifteen people were injured in an explosion at a German chemical plant.The German Police and the German chemical company said that 15 workers suffered injuries in a fire caused ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Skin Diseases Afflict Gaza's Children As War Rages On

(MENAFN - Gulf Times) Like thousands of Gaza children, Yasmine al-Shanbari, 3, is not only suffering from the upheaval of war all around them. She is ravaged by skin disease and no relief is in ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Somalia Cabinet Endorses One-Person One-Vote Plan

(MENAFN - Gulf Times) Somalia's cabinet yesterday endorsed legislation to allow a one-person-one-vote election system that was hailed as a–historic– step for the troubled Horn of Africa nation. The ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Kenya Police Use Tear Gas To Clear Protesters In Nairobi

(MENAFN - Gulf Times) Police fired tear gas to clear pockets of anti-government demonstrators from the centre of Kenya's capital Nairobi yesterday, as their protest movement sought to capitalise on ...

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

Trump Says He's Willing To Debate Harris Three Times

(MENAFN - Gulf Times) Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said that he is willing to debate his Democratic rival Kamala Harris three times in September on different networks during a ...

RT Arabic 

باريس تبعد المشردين لإخفاء مظاهر البؤس

يشتكي حقوقيون فرنسيون من حملة الترحيل القسري للفقراء والمشردين التي تنفذها السلطات الفرنسية لإبعادهم عن العاصمة باريس وإخفاء مظاهر البؤس، حيث أغلقت المرافق المخصصة لهم.

RT Arabic 

فصائل العراق تحذر من "سايكس بيكو" جديد

حذرت الفصائل العراقية المسلحة من أن وصول المدمرات وحاملات الطائرات الأمريكية إلى البحر المتوسط، ينذر باقتراب المنطقة من حرب واسعة، هدفُها تنفيذُ مخططِ سايكس بيكو جديد، حسب وصفِها.