World News in French

Новости за 08.04.2024


You're in luck if you spot these Swiss birds

The Swiss Ornithological Institute (SOI), that is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, has come up with a Swiss bird list for those wishing to add some feathered wonders to their Swiss wish list. In early April of 1924, a group of bird lovers gathered to inaugurate the observation hut on the southern shore of Lake Sempach in central Switzerland. Alfred Schifferli was the visionary behind the SOI and became its first director. The coordination of bird ringing was one of the bird SOI’s initial main tasks. Читать дальше...

La Republique des Pyrenees 

Un slogan pour Billère Handball : « Yes we Caen »

En déplacement chez des Normands pas encore assurés de leur maintien, les Billérois, 7es, peuvent faire un pas supplémentaire vers le Top 6 dont ils sont séparés par un seul petit point.