World News in French

Новости за 01.10.2024

La Liberte 

La chanteuse fribourgeoise Mo’Mot en finale

L’artiste staviacoise Mo’Mot a atteint le carré final du concours de chant CokeSTUDIO 2024. Le 9 novembre, la gagnante remportera une aide de 50’000 francs sur la scène du Plaza à Zurich.


Artefacts held in Swiss private collection return to Latin America

Private individuals increasingly choose to return cultural artefacts to their countries of origin. Here’s a notable case from Switzerland. A pre-Columbian collection of more than 60 objects has been returned from Switzerland to Central and South America. This case stands out while also reflecting a growing trend among private collectors worldwide. The artefacts belonged to an elderly woman who inherited the collection. It had been in the family for several generations, but she wanted to return the items to their rightful homelands. Читать дальше...

Derniere Heure 

La ville veut renforcer sa visibilité en Italie

Accueil d’influenceurs et de tour-opérateurs italiens, salons et actions dans la Botte : le pays de Charleroi ambitionne d’attirer davantage de touristes italiens. ...