World News in French

Новости за 23.12.2024


Snowfall causes travel restrictions in much of Switzerland

Heavy snowfall in several regions of Switzerland caused restrictions in road and rail traffic on Monday morning. Numerous traffic accidents were reported during the morning rush hour. Only in a few places will the snow remain on the ground until Christmas Eve. Lorries stuck in the snow caused road closures in several regions, including on the A1 motorway between Bern and Mühleberg. The situation was back to normal around midday. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox In canton Bern, around 70 road accidents were reported. Читать дальше...

La Croix 

Le handicap au cinéma, de l’inclusion à la normalisation

De plus en plus de films ont pour objet principal ou annexe le handicap, comme Mon inséparable, en salles mercredi 25 décembre. Au-delà de l’effet de mode, ces œuvres qui s’ouvrent aux comédiens porteurs de handicap participent au changement de regard.