World News in French

Swiss group launches two initiatives to control growth of wind power

The construction of wind turbines in forests must be prevented and local appeal procedures must be guaranteed, says a Swiss environmental group. On Monday it launched two popular initiatives to limit the construction of wind turbines in Switzerland. Over 300 wind farm projects, involving the construction of over 1,000 wind turbines, are threatening the protection of nature and popular rights in Switzerland, Elias Vogt, president of Paysage Libre Suisse, told reporters in Bern on Monday. The federal government and parliament want to prioritise the production of renewable energy in Switzerland. Numerous projects have already been approved or decisions have passed in parliament. But these projects could pose a direct threat to Swiss forests and the country's direct democracy system, according to Vogt. Paysage Libre Suisse, which took part in the successful referendum against the Renewable Energy Act, has therefore decided to launch two initiatives. + Will the Swiss countryside soon...

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