World News in French

Fifty wolves shot over two months in Swiss cull

Some 50 wolves, including two entire packs, were shot as part of a two-month cull authorised by the Swiss authorities, environmental groups said on Tuesday. The adopted Swiss hunting ordinance has had "serious consequences", said Bird Life Switzerland, the Swiss Wolf Group, Pro Natura and the WWF on Tuesday in a press release . “The wolf, which is protected by law, has been demoted to the rank of pest,” they declared. The number of wolves shot is based on statistics published by the cantons, said Pro Natura's information manager, Nicolas Wüthrich. This is a rough estimate that will be refined when final cantonal figures are available. + Swiss environment minister rejects criticism of wolf culling The four nature protection organisations regret that "expeditious regulation of wolves" has been favoured over the protection of herds. This is despite the fact that recent protection measures were “effective” in reducing the number of animals killed by wolves. Figures show that 80% of...

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