World News in French

Swiss government pushes for digitalisation in healthcare

Swiss government pushes for digitalisation in healthcare

A funding package worth almost CHF400 million ($455 million) over the next ten years intended to drive digitalisation in the healthcare sector will now go to the Senate after being voted through by the House of Representatives. The Digisanté programme was approved by 127 votes to 64 on Thursday and the House of Representatives will be closely monitoring the project. Only the Swiss People’s Party voted against the multi-million digitalisation programme. Head of the parliamentary group Thomas Aeschi referred to the ailing federal finances and said that the proposal should not be accepted because health expenditure must be curbed. However, this motion was not supported outside of the ring-wing party. ´It's the eleventh hour´ Despite broad approval, there were many critical voices in the House of Representatives. “We are excellent at providing direct medical care, but we don't make enough use of digitalisation,” said Kris Vietze, spokesperson for the lead health committee. Despite ...

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