World News in French

Switzerland wins Eurovision Song Contest 2024

Nemo wins the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest with their song The Code. Swiss rapper and singer Nemo won this year's Eurovision Song Contest with The Code, a drum-and-bass, opera, rap and rock tune about Nemo's journey of self-discovery as a non-binary person. Switzerland won the inaugural Eurovision Song Contest in Lugano in 1956 and in 1988 with then 20-year-old Céline Dion’s victory for Switzerland. Translated from German by DeepL/amva How we work This news story has been written and carefully fact-checked by an external editorial team. At SWI we select the most relevant news for an international audience and use automatic translation tools such as DeepL to translate it into English. Providing you with automatically translated news gives us the time to write more in-depth articles. If you want to know more about how we work, have a look here, and if you have feedback on this news story please write to

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