World News in French

WEF and Klaus Schwab sued for racial and pregnancy discrimination

WEF and Klaus Schwab sued for racial and pregnancy discrimination

The World Economic Forum (WEF) and its founder Klaus Schwab have been accused of racial and pregnancy discrimination by an African-American employee. The plaintiff's role was terminated after her maternity leave. Moreover, the role of the plaintiff, a political expert, was allegedly filled by a white woman who was not pregnant, wrote the Swiss newspaper Handelszeitung on Tuesday. Do you want to read our weekly top stories? Subscribe here. "While it is regrettable that such false allegations have arisen, now that these matters are before the court, the falsehood of these claims will become apparent," the WEF said in response to an inquiry from the Keystone-SDA news agency. The lawsuit follows a June report by the business newspaper Wall Street Journal, which described the workplace culture at the organisation as misogynistic and racist. The lawsuit claims that the WEF "systematically discriminates" against its black employees and has a tendency to keep them away from the Swiss ...

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