World News in French

Swiss celebrate 30 years of workfree August 1

Having the day off on August 1 probably goes without saying for many people. But this is only the 30th year that the whole country has the day off on Swiss National Day. Bonfires, fireworks or brunches on the farm – there are numerous traditions associated with August 1. And many older people will have nostalgic memories of August 1 sweets at the village bakery or August 1 badges as a child. However, the fact that most people have the day off is a relatively recent development. August 1 has only been a holiday throughout Switzerland since 1994. The change was preceded by a memorable referendum the year before. On September 26, 1993, voters approved the Swiss Democrats' popular initiative "For a workfree federal holiday" with a majority of 83.8%. This remains the highest approval rate for a popular initiative. All 26 cantons voted in favour, following the recommendation of the government and parliament. Not just a 'federal holiday' Until then, some cantons worked full-time on August ...

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