World News in French

Swiss doctor convicted for issuing false Covid-19 certificates

A Swiss doctor has been sentenced to a conditional prison sentence of 12 months for forgery. He was tried at the St Gallen District Court after issuing 409 Covid-19 recovery certificates. The 78-year-old doctor explained that he had received approval from the federal government as a "super-user" which allowed him to issue test certificates as well as vaccination and recovery certificates. He had not known that he was only allowed to issue certain certificates. His defense lawyer demanded an acquittal. The public prosecutor noted that out of around 400 medical practices in the canton, only this one doctor issued recovery certificates. He was not authorised to do so. The prosecutor had demanded a conditional prison sentence of 12 months and a fine of CHF3,000. In an oral decision, the court sentenced the doctor to a conditional prison sentence of 12 months, but did not impose a fine. The verdict is not yet final. Translated from German by DeepL/mga How we work This news story has ...

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