World News in French

Switzerland to host Middle East conference on international humanitarian law

Switzerland is organising a conference on the conflict in the Middle East for states party to the Geneva Conventions. This conference, planned for March, is likely to have a considerable political impact, notably on an arms embargo against Israel. The United Nations General Assembly has given the Swiss government a mandate to hold a conference with a focus on the protection of civilian populations, Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories, and the duties of third-party states. Here are the key points about the conference. 1. Why the General Assembly has asked Switzerland to hold a conference on the Fourth Geneva Convention Switzerland is the depository state of the Geneva Conventions, which means that it holds the original treaty documents in its possession, remains at the service of the signatory states, and is required to be neutral in conflicts. The four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their additional protocols lay down standards for the protection of people in times ...

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