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Contents1 11 Steps to Understand How to Make Sake2 Summary of How to make SakeMost of you probably know that Sake is made from rice. But how to Sake make? How is Sake made? Sake making process isnot very well known. How to make Sakeis an essential knowledge to understand how Sake taste is determined and how different types of Sake is made. How to make Sake seems (and actually is) a bit complicated for Sake beginners but don’t worry. We’ll make it as simple as possible.In short, Koji mold (a type of mold) converts starch in rice to glucose (sugar), and yeasts converts glucose to alcohol. More details? Let’s go through the following Sake infographicto resolve your question, ‘How to make Sake?’ or ‘How is Sake made?’Great with Sake!! Easy Appetizers1 Harvest Rice2 Polish Rice (Seimai)3 Washing Rice4 Soaking5 Steaming6 Koji Making7 Shubo Making (Preparing Yeast Starter / Seed Mash)8 Moromi Making (Main Mash and Fermentation)9 Pressing10 Filtering11 Pasteurization12 Maturation13 DilutionSum...

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