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Golden Milk Turmeric Tea Recipe

Last updated on January 12, 2024. Originally posted on January 30, 2019 By Maryea / 161 Comments Jump to Recipe·Print RecipeGolden Milk Turmeric Tea, made with turmeric, is a powerful anti-inflammatory drink that may ease depression symptoms, build heart health, relieve arthritis symptoms, and more!I love the way blogging connects me to so many people everywhere. Last year, when I blogged about the finger pain I was experiencing, My Great Aunt Janey sent me an email telling me about a Golden Milk recipe. I see my Great Aunt Janey once every few years, so there’s no way she would have known about my finger pain without this blog.Now I know my Great Uncle Carl (who I’ve always looked up to for his healthful ways) drinks Golden Milk as a way to fight inflammation and naturally soothe arthritis pain. The power of the blog. I’ve since started using turmeric in my cooking more, like in this recipe for Cauliflower Soup with Turmeric.Now it’s time for me to pass on what I learned from my Great...

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