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How to Fix Cloudflare Error 520: Web Server is Returning an Unknown Error ← Web Pop

Imagine your Cloudflare server getting a confusing request it can’t understand. Instead of a clear answer, it sends back a mysterious message: Error 520, meaning ‘Web Server Is Returning An Unknown Error.’No time to spare? Click here to jump to straight to how to fix this error.What is Cloudflare Error 520: Web Server is Returning An Unknown Error?Cloudflare Error 520 is a server-side diagnostic message indicating that even though a request reached the origin web server, the server received an invalid HTTP response or didn’t know how to interpret the request at all and was unable to proceed.Usually, this happens when a program eats up too much power and needs to stop, or when too many people are trying to visit your site at once, overloading the server.How To Fix Cloudflare Error 520: Web Server is Returning an Unknown ErrorSearch Error Logs For Device ResetsRestart PHP Applications On Your Origin ServerWhitelist Your Cloudflare Origin Server IP AddressCheck Response Headers From Your...

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