16 марта 2025 года
World News in French

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France24.com (fr) 

Les droits de douane, une potion amère pour les brasseurs américains

La mise en place de 25% de droits de douane sur tout l'acier et l'aluminium entrant aux Etats-Unis a eu un effet inattendu pour le fabricant de la Port City, brassée dans l'est du pays. Il ne sait pas comment il pourra embouteiller sa bière dans les mois qui viennent. "Avec les nouveaux droits de douane (qui font augmenter le prix des canettes), les grands industriels du secteur réorientent une grande partie de leur production vers les bouteilles", explique à l'AFP Bill Butcher, le fondateur de la brasserie. Читать дальше...

Ligue de tennis de table d'Alsace 

i.active COAT WP-S 100

Mortero fotocatalítico de elevada impermeabilidad proyectado.Solicita tus archivos BIM.Descripción del Productoi.active COAT WP-S 100 es un mortero de elevada impermeabilidad CR-CS IV-W 2, de acuerdo con la norma EN 998-1, fabricado con cemento que incorpora la tecnología TX Active®, patentada por Italcementi-Heidelberg Materials, que gracias a la acción de la fotocatálisis confiere propiedades autolimpiantes (ayudan a mantener en el tiempo su aspecto y color original) y descontaminantes (ayudan a reducir el nivel de polución en el aire). Читать дальше...

Ligue de tennis de table d'Alsace 

An Expert Explains The Benefits and Uses of Derma Rollers

A dermaroller is a tool that is often used in microneedling procedures - made up of hundreds of microneedles, it is used to create micro-injuries on the skin. The use of dermarollers was strictly clinical when they first started out, but have seeped into at-home routines as well. And while dermarolling is a safe procedure, it is not recommended to be carried out at home. According to our in-house expert, Dr. Sadhana Deshmukh, “As the name suggests, dermarollers are facial rollers consisting of needles of varying length and thickness. Читать дальше...

Ligue de tennis de table d'Alsace 

Does dermarolling really work?: Everything you need to know | Curology

We’re here to share what we know — but don’t take it as medical advice. Talk to your medical provider if you have questions.Ready to dive into the world of at-home dermarolling? You’re in the right place!Whether you’re a skincare enthusiast or a newbie looking to rejuvenate your skin, we’ll walk you through the essential steps, tips, and precautions of dermarolling. Let’s explore how this simple technique can helpenhance your skin’s textureand appearance, even from the comfort of your home.What is dermarolling and how does it work?Dermarolling... Читать дальше...

Ligue de tennis de table d'Alsace 

Dermarolling 101: Everything (Yes, EVERYTHING) You Need to Know

Discover the potential derma roller benefits for your skin. This guide explores how this trending tool might boost collagen, improve texture, and enhance product absorption. Learn safe practices before you start rolling.We include products we think are useful for our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Here’s our process.From Botox to microneedling, it seems like poking the face with needles is always trending in skin care. Remember when celebs like Kim... Читать дальше...

Ligue de tennis de table d'Alsace 

Derma Roller Before and After: Do They Really Work?

Everyone wants beautiful smooth skin! Women and men alike have incorporated skin care into their daily routines for thousands of years. In recent times, microdermabrasion and exfoliating has become a popular choice. Using a derma roller is a new and innovative way to stimulate collagen for healthy new skin growth by using “micro-needles.” This article will help you see the results of the derma roller before and after using one so that you can decide whether it really works.How Do Derma Rollers Work?The... Читать дальше...

Ligue de tennis de table d'Alsace 

The Beginner’s Guide to Derma Rollers and Getting Real Results

If you're looking for a way to improve your skin's texture, fight the signs of aging, or target acne scars, then a derma roller system might just be the solution you've been searching for. It’s a simple tool with powerful results that can help rejuvenate your skin, boost collagen production, and address a variety of skin concerns. But if you're a beginner, you might feel a little lost on how to get started. Don’t worry—you’re not alone!The truth is, derma roller treatments are easier to use than you might think... Читать дальше...

Ligue de tennis de table d'Alsace 

I Tried Derma Rolling: Here's the Science Behind It

Home › Face CareBy Karo @ CushySpa.comon Nov 04, 2018, Updated Jan 20, 2024This post may contain affiliate links. Please see our disclosure policy.Beauty always comes at a price but would you be willing to let hundreds of tiny needles prick your skin? If you’re worried about derma rolling, then let me break the good news to you first: it’s not as scary as it sounds.This blog is supported by readers purchasing featured products. When you buy products with my links, I earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Читать дальше...

Ligue de tennis de table d'Alsace 

Derma Rollers: How To Use? Skin Benefits. All You Need To Know About This Simple Micro-Needling Device

Let’s face it ladies, the mere thought of rolling small spikes or needles into your skin, might literally bring chills down your spine. But no one said that being beautiful is going to be easy. Even the ancient queens of the past like the beautiful Egyptian queen Cleopatra used so many different types of tools to keep herself young and beautiful. And moving on to recent times, even the B-town actresses share their beauty routines and makeup accessories that help them ooze out the radiance and grab the most attention. Читать дальше...

Ligue de tennis de table d'Alsace 

Does Dermaroller Work? These Facts Will Surprise You!

What is a dermaroller? Wondering how to use a dermaroller? Learn about a dermaroller, how effective the treatments is, what kind of effects it leaves on the skin and the procedure to use it.According to our cosmetologists, a dermaroller is a skincare device that helps in the regeneration of skin cells. It repairs scars and stretch marks, treats fine lines, wrinkles, and many more skin problems. It is easy to perform, takes much less time compared to other cosmetic treatments, and gives lasting results.How... Читать дальше...

Ligue de tennis de table d'Alsace 

Dermaroller for Hyperpigmentation: How it Works, Efficacy, Before and Afters and More

Dermarolling creates microscopic wounds in the skin with tiny needles to promote skin cell regeneration.It lightens hyperpigmentation by breaking up melanin clusters.Dermarolling is mildly invasive and considered safe for all skin types, with few associated side effects.This treatment should be avoided by individuals whose skin scars or inflames easily.Hyperpigmentation usually develops as a result of sun exposure, hormonal fluctuations or inflammation due to acne. While using a dermaroller for hyperpigmentation has not been widely studied... Читать дальше...

France24.com (fr) 

Syrie: 16 morts dans une explosion accidentelle à Lattaquié

"Le corps d'une femme a été extrait des décombres de l'immeuble résidentiel du quartier de Raml, dans la ville de Lattaquié, dimanche à l'aube (...) ce qui porte le bilan à 16 morts, dont cinq enfants", a indiqué la Défense civile. L'explosion a également fait au moins 18 blessés, dont six enfants, a-t-elle ajouté, et "les opérations de recherche et de sauvetage continuent pour extraire ceux qui sont coincés sous les gravats de l'immeuble détruit depuis plus de 12 heures". Selon l'agence officielle Sana... Читать дальше...

France24.com (fr) 

Brésil: Bolsonaro mobilise ses partisans en pleine tourmente judiciaire

"Nous voulons envoyer un message au Brésil et au monde", a affirmé l'ancien dirigeant d'extrême droite (2019-2022) dans une vidéo sur les réseaux sociaux. Il espère voir "un million" de manifestants au bord de la légendaire plage de Copacabana. Le mot d'ordre de la manifestation, qui doit débuter à 10H00 (13H00 GMT), est de réclamer l'"amnistie" des personnes condamnées pour leur implication dans les émeutes du 8 janvier 2023 à Brasilia. Ce jour-là, des milliers de sympathisants bolsonaristes avaient... Читать дальше...


PMU : partants quinté , Pronostics turf du DIMANCHE à SAINT CLOUD

200 EUROS OFFERTS ce jour pour parier sur pmu.fr .Retrouvez des maintenant les non partants, les cotes pmu des partants du quinté qui aura lieu ce jour à SAINT CLOUD dans le PRIX DE LA GLORIETTE PLAT - HANDICAP DIVISE CLASSE 2 - 4 ANS ET PLUS - 2400 MèTRES, CORDE à GAUCHE - ...

À la une - Google Actualités (com) 

Canal+ prive les fans de F1 du GP d’Australie en clair en direct, la colère monte - F1i

  1. Canal+ prive les fans de F1 du GP d’Australie en clair en direct, la colère monte  F1i
  2. DIRECT. F1 (GP d'Australie): Hadjar dans le mur, déjà trois abandons sous la pluie  RMC Sport
  3. Isack Hadjar abandonne après une sortie de piste dans le tour de formation de son premier Grand Prix  L'Équipe
  4. F1. GP d'Australie 2025 : des crashs en cascade, suivez la course en direct  Linternaute.com