Experts discuss problems of Armenia 

ArmInfo. The processes taking place in Armenia today were discussed at the round table "Problems around Armenia and their possible solutions" that took place the day before. Experts and political scientists, representatives of public organizations took part in the public discussion.

The processes taking place today in Armenia were discussed at the round table "Problems around Armenia 

and their possible solutions" that took place the day before. Experts and political scientists, representatives of public organizations took part in the public discussion.

Former NA deputy, analyst Arman Abovyan noted in his speech that the 

events taking place these days in Armenia are of an extraordinary 

nature, since, on the one hand, it seems that political processes are 

emerging, but on the other hand, they cannot be called completely 

political. In this context, the expert referred to the statement of 

the leader of the movement, Archbishop Bagrat Srbazan, that the 

movement was blessed by Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin, since 

what is happening is an ontological problem for everyone, and the 

position of the Church is that these ontological risks do not 

threaten the opposition or the authorities, and to every Armenian, 

every citizen of the country.

"I do not and will not discuss the decisions of the church, but it is 

obvious that this movement, led by the Holy Church, is not creating a 

new social divide, but, on the contrary, is trying to destroy the 

existing divisions into black and white in society, basing it on the 

principle of pro-Armenian unity. We are talking about broad social 

solidarity, which is essentially apolitical. Yes, there is a 

political component in the movement, everything will ultimately be 

decided in the political field, but the process itself, the 

philosophy must be apolitical, as it is today," added Arman Abovyan. 

"I do not and will not discuss the decisions of the church, but it is 

obvious that this movement, led by the Holy Church, is not creating a 

new social divide, but, on the contrary, is trying to destroy the 

existing divisions into black and white in society, basing it on the 

principle of pro-Armenian unity. We are talking about broad social 

solidarity, which is essentially apolitical. Yes, there is a 

political component to the movement, everything will ultimately be 

decided in the political field, but the process itself, the 

philosophy should be apolitical, as it is today," added Arman 


Media expert Tigran Kocharyan noted in his speech that what is 

happening today in Armenia is a slightly different process, since the 

policy of the authorities is opposed not by classical politicians, 

but by the ministers of the Armenian Apostolic Church, against whom 

the authorities will not be able to "effectively" use their proven 

tools - intimidation, arrests, persecution, pressure, etc. Because 

persecution opens the gates of heaven even wider for church 

ministers. That is why the technologies that the authorities tried to 

work with, up to the discrediting of Bagrat Galstanyan, did not work, 

they gave the opposite result. "That's why today they are trying in 

every possible way to connect Bagrat Galstanyan with one or another 

former politician," he said.

Kocharyan noted that the leader of the movement is fluent in all the 

tools that Pashinyan used 6 years ago to achieve power, and is fluent 

in the codes of communication with the people. "If a person goes to 

fight for the sake of faith, for the sake of an idea, it is difficult 

to fight with such people. The government is now in a difficult 

situation. And the authorities, as I see, for example, do not have 

any calculation of what will happen if force is used against Bagrat 

Galstanyan. At this stage, much depends on the position of the 

Minister of Internal Affairs Vahe Ghazaryan, whether the police will 

go against the people or join them.  And it is clear that Vahe 

Kazaryan is under terrible pressure, because although Pashinyan would 

like to replace him, on the other hand, it is difficult for him to 

find such a devoted person. And it is in this Tavush triangle 

Pashinyan-Ghazaryan-Bagrat Galstanyan that issues will be resolved," 

added Tigran Kocharyan.

In turn, political scientist Vigen Hakobyan noted that this movement 

is not apolitical, but non-partisan, because the entire agenda, all 

the demands and assessments that have been put forward, starting with 

Kirants, are a political agenda. And in recent days, already in 

Yerevan, this agenda has acquired different shades: quite serious 

political demands were put forward, up to the resignation of the 

prime minister, and a political mechanism was proposed. "In my 

opinion, this is a public revolt against the politics and behavior of 

the authorities, which from the moment the procession reached Yerevan 

moved into the political arena, which Bagrat Galstanyan also spoke 

about yesterday. Yesterday there was talk about the 

institutionalization of the movement, which means that it must be an 

institution if they decide to go the constitutional route, and there 

is a great need to present some alternative to the public. In the 

coming days, the mechanisms for governing the movement will change, 

certain personalities will appear on the platform, which must be 

accepted by the public. I think it will be some kind of hybrid. an 

organ where both the spiritual class and some famous people will be 

represented," he said.

According to Hakobyan, the instruments of power do not work, the 

arsenal of anti-propaganda is not rich and has absolutely no effect. 

The authorities tried to use the same tools that, for example, 

against the second president Robert Kocharyan, but in this case it 

did not produce any results. <Pashinyan feels people very well on a 

mental level. He understood that after the war there was a serious 

need for peace and for four years he constantly spoke about this in 

his speeches. In the end, he presented his concept - "let's hand over 

everything and live peacefully," but all this was destroyed by 

Aliyev's January appeal, the theses of which had nothing in common 

with what Pashinyan set out. These theses meant that there was no 

agreement on the concept of peace, it was all a bluff. And from the 

very moment when it became clear that there was no peace agreement, 

and if something were signed, it would be a complete capitulation. 

This became the spark of widespread public discontent," Vigen 

Hakobyan emphasized.

Political scientist Arman Ghukasyan, noting that Armenia has recently 

been in a turbulent state, recalled that the country's authorities, 

according to both internal and external opinion polls, today have 

very little support. The problem is that there is a lot of 

indifference in society, society is in a state of apathy, and the 

government is both responsible and the driving force behind the 

crisis that has developed in the country.  According to Ghukasyan, 

society is no longer fixated on the individual, people are not 

waiting for a specific person, the most important question is who can 

offer ways out of this crisis.

"There can no longer be a personalized process, because one day, in 

2018, such a "savior" appeared, and we see what came of it. I am 

convinced that a clear concept will win. Everyone is waiting for 

clear concepts, which means "Nikol, go away, and then we'll see what 

we'll do" won't work anymore. And the 2018 scenario won't work 

either. We need truly national unity, which will allow us to 

understand the following questions: well, the government has changed, 

how will the delimitation be carried out, or will we be able to 

return Artsakh?" the political scientist said.

In other words, Ghukasyan stated, we are at a stage when it is clear 

that Pashinyan's policy is a failure and the country needs other 

solutions, since it is impossible to lead the country out of this 

crisis only by changing power and changing people.


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