Tavush for Motherland condemns violence against journalists 

ArmInfo. The Tavush for the Motherland movement issued a statement condemning law enforcement 

violence against journalists performing their professional duty.

The statement reads, in part: "We strongly condemn the use of brutal 

force by police against members of the media covering peaceful acts 

of civil disobedience.

We call on the Armenian Ministry of Internal Affairs to initiate an 

official investigation into the use of brute force against 24 News 

journalist Maria Manukyan and ABC cameraman Mher Davtyan," the 

movement's statement noted.

Since early morning peaceful actions of disobedience have been taking 

place throughout Yerevan. Police use brutal, disproportionate force 

against peaceful protesters. Dozens of citizens were detained. 

Journalists were also targeted. Thus, the distributed video footage 

shows how a special forces soldier deliberately pushes cameraman Mher 

Davtyan, who at that time was broadcasting live from the protests. He 

fell and injured his hand as a result of these actions of the law 

enforcement officer.  In another episode, a journalist fainted after 

a group of Red Berets began pushing her from one side to the other. 


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