«Чувствую, что это последний раз»: Дженнифер Лопес уговаривает своих 16-летних близнецов поехать с ней в июльский тур


As a pop diva, it’s no surprise that my children have grown up in the spotlight. They’ve been by my side through countless performances, interviews, and red carpet events. And now, as they turn 16, I can’t help but reflect on how much they’ve grown and how proud I am of the young adults they’ve become.

But as any parent of teenagers knows, this is also a time of change and independence. My children are starting to form their own opinions and make their own decisions. And while I want to support them in their journey, I also can’t help but feel a little sad that they’re no longer my little babies.

Recently, during an interview on “Good Morning America,” I was asked about my plans for the summer. And as I excitedly shared my ideas for concerts, vacations, and new music, I couldn’t help but think about how my children might react. Will they want to come with me? Will they have their own plans? Will they even want to spend time with their mom anymore?

It’s a bittersweet feeling, knowing that my children are growing up and becoming more independent. But I also know that this is a natural part of life and I am so grateful to have been able to witness their growth and be a part of their journey.

As a parent, it’s important to give our children the space to explore and make their own choices. And while it may be hard to let go, it’s also important to trust that we have raised them to be responsible and capable individuals.

So, when my children inevitably say “no, mom” to some of my plans this summer, I will try my best to understand and support their decisions. I will also take this as an opportunity to spend some quality time with myself and focus on my own personal growth and goals.

But don’t get me wrong, I am still their mom and I will always be there for them whenever they need me. Whether it’s for advice, a shoulder to cry on, or just to hang out and have fun, I will always be here with open arms.

As for my summer plans, I am excited to continue performing and sharing my music with my fans. I am also looking forward to some much-needed relaxation and quality time with my family and friends.

And who knows, maybe my children will surprise me and want to join me on some of my adventures. But even if they don’t, I am proud of the independent and confident individuals they have become and I am excited to see where their own paths will take them.

So, to all the parents out there who are experiencing the same bittersweet feeling as I am, let’s embrace this new phase of our children’s lives and continue to support and love them unconditionally. And who knows, maybe they’ll surprise us with their own plans and adventures this summer. After all, that’s what being a parent is all about – watching our children grow and supporting them every step of the way.

The post «Чувствую, что это последний раз»: Дженнифер Лопес уговаривает своих 16-летних близнецов поехать с ней в июльский тур appeared first on a007aa.

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