NDP welcomes fact that it is Bagrat Srbazan who leads movement to  restore Armenian people`s dignity

ArmInfo. Today an exceptional situation has arisen in Armenia - the Armenian people took to the 

streets to express their will in order to record that they do not accept what is happening. This was stated by members of the National Democratic Pole (also known as the National Democratic Alliance ) 

council Ara Papyan and Garegin Chookaszian on May 13 at a press conference.

According to Chookaszian, it would seem that the events of recent 

years have broken the will of the people. However, recent events have 

shown that the will of the Armenian people has not been completely 

broken. "The Armenian people filled the streets to say a decisive 

"no" to dishonor, the loss of statehood and dignity, homeland and 

identity. These people are not agents of anyone, they are only 

protesting against the taboo on the Ararat demonstration," 

Chookaszian said. How and in what way the agenda of the project 

movement will be implemented is not a matter of one day - it may take 

months, he added.

In addition, Garegin Chookaszian welcomes the fact that it is the 

representative of the church, Bagrat Srbazan, who is leading the 

movement to restore the self-esteem of the Armenian people. "We must 

take advantage of this chance to save the Motherland," he pointed 


According to a member of the NDP Council, there is no need to make 

unambiguous assessments about the role and intentions of the Kremlin 

in Armenia. In his opinion, not everyone in Russia welcomes the 

promotion of the idea of "Great Turan". Certain messages that come 

from Russian government officials prove this, he noted.

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