Austria of key importance for Armenia - MP

ArmInfo. Austria is of key importance for the Republic of Armenia conditioned by a number of circumstances: First of all, at high level of democracy, and you know that it has already been several years our country takes firm steps forward in that way. On June 17, welcoming the Chair of the Committee on Human Rights of the National Council of Austria Nikolaus Scherak, the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Rustam Bakoyan said.

Noting that in recent years Armenia is facing difficult challenges, 

the Deputy Chair of the Committee highly appreciated the support 

shown by Austria to our country. Rustam Bakoyan thanked Nikolaus 

Scherak for the resolution on the Involvement of Austria in the 

Nagorno Karabakh Region and Improving the Living Conditions of the 

Refugee Civilian Population, especially the women and the Children 

unanimously adopted by the Parliament of Austria. He highlighted the 

establishment of the resident diplomatic representation of Austria in 

Armenia, considering it as an important factor in strengthening the 


The Deputy Chair of the Committee presented information on violated 

rights of hundreds of thousands of Armenians displaced from Nagorno 

Karabakh because of ethnic cleansing implemented by Azerbaijan.  

Touching upon the support programme being carried out by the 

Government for those forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh, Rustam 

Bakoyan mentioned that by the efforts of the Government of Armenia 

during short period all possible measures were undertaken to provide 

with minimum conditions to our compatriots. He emphasized also the 

support of the international community in this issue. Reference was 

also made to the issue of immediate release of Armenian prisoners of 

war and captives in Azerbaijan.

Thanking the Deputy Chair of the Committee for warm reception, the 

Chair of the Committee on Human Rights of the National Council of 

Austria highlighted those similar meetings and cooperation.  

Regarding the problem of the forcibly displaced people from Nagorno 

Karabakh, Nikolaus Scherak noticed that the efforts made by the 

Government of Armenia are noticeable and expressed readiness for 


Noting that the active cooperation with like-minded colleagues is the 

imperative of the day, Rustam Bakoyan presented to Nikolaus Scherak 

the Crossroads of Peace project, underlining that it will promote the 

establishment of peace and stability in the region.

Referring to the negotiations of the ongoing dialogue on Armenia-EU 

visa liberalisation in recent period, the Deputy Chair of the 

Committee expressed hope that in this issue Austria will show its 


In the establishment of peace both sides emphasized the role of the 

RA Observation Mission in the Republic of Armenia.


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