IPI concerned over violence against journalists  

ArmInfo. The International Press Institute (IPI) has issued the following statement:

"The IPI global network expresses grave concern after more than 10 

Armenian journalists were injured by police forces while covering the 

June 12 protests demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol 

Pashinian. We urgently call for a thorough investigation into these 

incidents and urge the authorities in Armenia to ensure a safe 

working environment for all media professionals. 

"On June 12, 2024, clashes erupted in front of Yerevan's Parliament 

between police and protesters opposing the border demarcation deal 

with Azerbaijan and demanding Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's 

resignation. Pashinyan was set to address Parliament at the time. 

According to reports, security forces used stun grenades after 

protesters attempted to storm the Parliament building and breach 

police barricades, throwing rocks and bottles at the police. At least 

10 journalists and camera operators were injured during the clashes 

and dispersal. 


"Among those injured were two crews of the ABC.am. According to ABC 

journalist Nane Hayrapetyan, media workers from both crews sustained 

injuries. Nane Hayrapetyan and cameraman Arman Gharibyan were hurt 

during the clashes, while journalist Aghvan Asoyan and camera 

operator Edik Malakyan were injured when stun grenades were deployed. 

Vazgen Yetumian, a camera operator with the News.am online news 

service, had his leg broken, and two other camera operators, Narek 

Hayrian of Civilnet and Hovsep Hovsepian of Armlur.am, and 

Mediahub.am journalist Nare Gevorgyan also sustained injuries.


"Nine Armenia-based press freedom organizations, including Yerevan 

Press Club and the Committee to Protect Freedom of Expression (CPFE) 

issued a joint statement condemning the actions of law enforcement 

agencies, describing them as "use of excessive force," and demanding 

accountability for those who targeted accredited journalists 

indiscriminately or damaged equipment.


"Authorities must promptly conduct a thorough and impartial 

investigation into the events of June 12.  Regardless of the nature 

of the protests, any use of excessive force or violence against 

journalists who are doing their jobs is unacceptable. Anyone 

responsible for using excessive force must be held accountable," IPI 

Deputy Director Scott Griffen said.


"Armenia's road to democracy has been bumpy, yet in recent years the 

press freedom situation in the country has significantly improved. 

Reforms to media regulations and the decriminalization of grave 

insults represent some of the positive steps. However, the media 

scene remains highly polarized, and access to information is often 



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