Armenia is going to cede four more villages to Azerbaijan - MP

ArmInfo. The Armenian authorities are preparing to transfer four more villages to 

Azerbaijan, opposition Armenian MP Tigran Abrahamyan wrote on his 

Facebook page.

According to him, Pashinyan's visit to the Syunik region of the 

country, which will likely be followed by visits to other regions, is 

aimed at preparing the republic for a referendum on this issue. "The 

fact is that, according to the agreement reached with Azerbaijan, the 

RA government is going to transfer 4 more villages to Azerbaijan - 

Tigranashen in the Ararat region and the villages of Sofulu, 

Barkhudarlu and Verin Voskepar in Tavush. Considering that, according 

to the legislation of the RA, these villages are part of the 

country's territory, their the transfer can only occur through a 

referendum," the parliamentarian noted.

He added that if in the previous case the government managed to 

"squeeze out" its position, then in this case serious problems will 

arise. "I spoke about the transfer of these villages as a strategic 

blow to Armenia and will continue to do so, but the fact is that the 

government considers unilateral concessions solely from the point of 

view of maintaining its power and for this it succumbed to 

Azerbaijani blackmail," Abrahamyan emphasized.


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