Armenia`s transition under U.S., NATO umbrella to make it impossible  to maintain common defense space with Russia within CSTO - Mikhail  Galuzin

ArmInfo. The transition of Armenia under the "umbrella" of the United States and NATO will make 

it impossible to maintain a single defense space with the Russian 

Federation and within the CSTO. This was stated by Deputy Foreign 

Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Galuzin.

The diplomat noted that Russia does not have the "habit" of 

interfering in the internal affairs of other states, since it knows 

from its own experience how detrimentally this can affect the 

development of the country.

At the same time, he emphasized that Moscow sincerely values ties 

with Armenia and tries to build them in a mutually respectful and 

mutually beneficial manner.

"The West, on the contrary, views the republic utilitarianly, as one 

of the instruments of a hybrid war against Russia and other countries 

of the South Caucasus. The goal is clear - to use the Armenian 

"bridgehead" to form another source of tension in the region," 

Galuzin believes.

He is convinced that Western capitals are ready to calmly "bet on the 

stake" on the socio-economic situation of the republic and its 


"Representatives of the United States, the European Union and NATO 

are calling on Yerevan to sever all ties with Moscow and are seeking 

to withdraw from our common integration associations. We see that 

Armenia is actively being lured by the European perspective. It is 

easy to guess that the country will be persuaded to abandon the 

mechanisms that provide its economy with record growth over the past 

years.  The severance of economic ties with Russia will mean the loss 

of the main market for Armenian business," he noted.

"Further erosion of Armenia's sovereignty in the security sphere and 

the transition to Western patterns under the "paper umbrella" of the 

United States and NATO will simply make it impossible to maintain a 

single defense space with Russia and within the CSTO," he told 

Komsomolskaya Pravda.

As the Deputy Head of the Russian Foreign Ministry noted, under the 

influence of Western narratives there was a sharp narrowing of 

bilateral political contacts.

Unfounded criticism of Russia, the CSTO, and the existing security 

system is increasingly heard from Yerevan. This is, to say the least, 

unconstructive and short-sighted," Galuzin believes.

In his opinion, Yerevan's full participation in the work of the CSTO 

meets the aspirations of the Armenian people and serves the cause of 

maintaining peace and stability in the South Caucasus.

"No matter what the Westerners promise, who pushed the Armenian 

authorities to "freeze" participation in the Organization, there are 

no effective alternatives to the CSTO as a mechanism for ensuring the 

security of Armenia today," the Russian diplomat is confident.

"The work to build the potential of the CSTO is moving 

systematically, leaving Yerevan behind," said the Russian deputy 


"New algorithms for crisis response are being developed, the 

capabilities of the Organization's Collective Forces are being 

strengthened, taking into account Russian combat experience, and 

serious program documents are being adopted to ensure the border 

security of our allies in Central Asia," Galuzin said.

As the Russian diplomat noted, Moscow has repeatedly and at various 

levels clearly communicated its readiness to discuss issues that 

concern Yerevan.

"They emphasized that Moscow was and remains committed to the entire 

range of agreements both at the bilateral level and within the 

framework of general integration structures, and did not abandon its 

obligations to its allies. At the same time, we never received a 

reaction to our various initiatives," said the Russian Deputy 


According to him, Moscow expects that "the Armenian leadership will 

have enough political wisdom to understand the illusory nature of the 

West's promises and the critical importance of relations with Russia 

from the point of view of the sovereignty, security and economic 

development of the republic."


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