A blow to Artsakh people is a blow to all Armenians

ArmInfo. Below is a statement by the We Are movement. 

Lately, representatives of the RA government and Nikol Pashinyan 

himself have been making unacceptable remarks about the people of 

Artsakh, which inflames anti-Artsakh sentiments in some circles.

Contrary to the majority of the people of Armenia, who accepted the 

plight of the Artsakh citizens who lost their homeland as their 

personal pain, there are those among high-ranking government 

officials who reprimand the Artsakh citizens for leaving their home 

and land, where they have lived for thousands of years.

The absurdity of the situation is that the incompetent policies of 

the current authorities have led the Artsakh issue to such a critical 

turning point. Continuing their propaganda of falsehoods and lies, 

Pashinyan declares that he knew in 2018 that Karabakh could not be 

part of Armenia, despite announcing in 2019 in Stepanakert Square, 

"Artsakh is Armenia, and that's it." By claiming that the main goal 

of the Artsakh exodus was to overthrow his government in Armenia or 

that an Armenian Artsakh would lead to Armenia becoming a "province 

of Russia," Pashinyan once again reveals not only his superficial 

understanding of the Karabakh conflict but also consciously distorts 

the history and essence of the Artsakh problem.

Today, not only the future of the people of Artsakh but also their 

past is being questioned. Our victories and achievements are being 

devalued, with attempts from the highest podiums to attack our 

dignity and honor.

The uncalculated and short-sighted policies of the Armenian 

authorities regarding the citizenship, free movement, and 

documentation of Artsakh residents, as well as the proposal of 

housing projects without taking into account the views of Artsakh 

residents, undermine the importance of dialogue about our present and 


The "We Are" civil initiative expresses its indignation at the 

multilateral discrimination, attempts to torpedo the solutions to 

many problems faced by the Artsakh people, and the Armenian 

authorities' support for Azerbaijan's aspirations to remove the 

Artsakh problem from the international political agenda.

We are grateful for everything being done for the people of Artsakh 

at various levels, but we believe that reducing the Artsakh issue to 

merely financial support is unacceptable. We need political and legal 

support, protection of our rights on international platforms, 

systemic and strategic solutions to our political problems, and tact 

and empathy.

The Armenian authorities must finally realize that a blow to the 

Artsakh people is a blow to all Armenians.

We call on political leaders and legal experts to assess the legality 

of the current authorities' rhetoric.

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