Rewiring Your Brain To Be Resilient With Dr. Lucy Hone

Fifteen years ago, Dr. Lucy Hone set off on an academic journey to study the science behind resilience psychology. Little did she know, her grief would one day become her biggest research subject.


After tragically losing her twelve-year-old daughter Abi in a car accident, Dr. Hone had to take everything she studied about the science of resilience, healing, and the human brain to relearn how to live after her devastating loss. Now, Dr. Hone has shared her secrets with millions of people across the globe — writing the award-winning book, ‘Resilient Grieving,’ giving the viral TEDTalk, ‘The three secrets of resilient people’ that has amassed 2.3 million views, and co-creating ‘Coping with Loss,’ a collection of programs helping people handle their grief in ways most effective for them. 

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