Peace building intention of Azerbaijani authorities veil for outside  world - Arman Tatoyan 

ArmInfo. The Azerbaijani "peace building" authorities' propaganda presents new occupation demands to  Armenia, this time with a more sobering list.

Accordingly, 2 amendments related to the so-called "resettlement of  West Azerbaijanis" should be made in the Constitution of Armenia:

1) ensuring the safety of "West Azerbaijanis" with the guarantee of a  foreign mission.  Armed forces from the country that is an ally of  Azerbaijan and enjoys their trust should be deployed in Armenia (it  is the country, which country it is, right?).

According to the propoganda, since Azerbaijan does not trust Armenia,  at some stage the "West Azerbaijanis" themselves should have the  opportunity to organize their own security by creating armed units.

2) Ensuring the right of "Western Azerbaijanis" to education in the  Azerbaijani language.  These proposals are new developments of the  "West Azerbaijan" occupation concept, which are based on an absolute  lies that cannot be ignored. Moreover, various Azerbaijani official  sources state that the number of those subject to "return" is  300,000.  These points show that the peace building intention of the  Azerbaijani authorities is false, it is a veil for the outside world.  In fact, a policy of occupying Armenia is being pursued.  it's just  done under humanitarian guise.

This is what was done to Artsakh. at first, with the real purpose of  ethnic cleansing was the isolation of Artsakh by "eco-activists",  then the installation of the Azerbaijani checkpoint and the complete  blocking of the roads leading to Artsakh, and after that armed  attacks against Artsakh.

All this was shown on "Baku TV" of the Azerbaijani authorities, where  it is "justified" by presenting false facts.

Azerbaijan's "peace-loving" government propaganda presents Armenia  with new occupation demands, this time with a more sobering list  Accordingly, 2 amendments to the so-called "resettlement of Western  Azerbaijanis" should be made in the RA Constitution:

1) Security of "Western Azerbaijanis" with the guarantee of a foreign  mediation mission. Armed forces should be deployed to Armenia from  the country that is an ally to Azerbaijan and enjoys confidence (is  it obvious that it is a country, isn't it).  Because Azerbaijan does  not trust Armenia, from some stage "western Azerbaijanis" must have  the ability to organize their own security by creating armed units.

2) Provision of the right to education in Azerbaijani for "western  Azerbaijanis".  These proposals are new developments in the  occupation concept of "Western Azerbaijan", based on an absolute  fraud that cannot be ignored. By the way, various sources of the  Azerbaijani government state that the number of "resettlement"  subjects is 300,000.

They show that the peace of the Azerbaijani government is false, a  chain for the outside world. In fact, the policy of occupying Armenia  is being carried out. Just doing it under the guise of humanity.

This is what was done to Artsakh's first the real purpose of ethnic  cleansing was the isolation of Artsakh by "ecoactivists", then the  installation of an Azerbaijanin checkpoint and the complete blockage  of roads leading to Artsakh's and then the armed attacks on Artsakh's

All this was shown on Azerbaijani authorities "Baku TV", where it is  "founded" by presenting false facts.

The Azerbaijani "peace building" authorities' propaganda presents new  occupation demands to Armenia, this time with a more sobering list.   Accordingly, 2 amendments related to the so-called "resettlement of  West Azerbaijanis" should be made in the Constitution of Armenia:

1) ensuring the safety of "West Azerbaijanis" with the guarantee of a  foreign mission.  Armed forces from the country that is an ally of  Azerbaijan and enjoys their trust should be deployed in Armenia (it  is the country, which country it is, right?).

According to the propoganda, since Azerbaijan does not trust Armenia,  at some stage the "West Azerbaijanis" themselves should have the  opportunity to organize their own security by creating armed units.

2) Ensuring the right of "Western Azerbaijanis" to education in the  Azerbaijani language.

These proposals are new developments of the "West Azerbaijan"  occupation concept, which are based on an absolute lies that cannot  be ignored. Moreover, various Azerbaijani official sources state that  the number of those subject to "return" is 300,000.

These points show that the peace building intention of the  Azerbaijani authorities is false, it is a veil for the outside world.  In fact, a policy of occupying Armenia is being pursued. it's just  done under humanitarian guise.

This is what was done to Artsakh. at first, with the real purpose of  ethnic cleansing was the isolation of Artsakh by "eco-activists",  then the installation of the Azerbaijani checkpoint and the complete  blocking of the roads leading to Artsakh, and after that armed  attacks against Artsakh.

All this was shown on "Baku TV" of the Azerbaijani authorities, where  it is "justified" by presenting false facts.  

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