Azerbaijan arming itself actively - Armenian MP

ArmInfo. "Azerbaijan does not stop and, in parallel with its false assurances of peace, is actively 

arming itself," said Tigran Abrahamyan, a member of the Armenian parliament from the opposition "I Have the Honor" faction, on his Facebook page.

According to Abrahamyan, Azerbaijan continues large-scale arms 

purchases, but, unlike previous cases, detailed information about the 

specific equipment, model and its quantity is not published.

"It is only clear that the main trade turnover is with Israel, and 

deliveries from there are recorded at certain short intervals," notes 

Tigran Abrahamyan.

The deputy also emphasized that information appears in the press 

about transactions with other countries that are traditional partners 

of Azerbaijan: from Turkey and Pakistan to European countries.

It should be noted that despite assurances of commitment to peace, 

Azerbaijan continues to increase its defense spending. Thus, 

according to amendments to the draft state budget for 2024, defense 

expenditures were increased by 11% or by 705.3 million manats (almost 

$415 million).

In general, according to the Azerbaijani media, the state budget for 

2024 provides for expenditures on defense and national security in 

the amount of 6 billion 421 million 47,420 manats, which is 

approximately 367 million manats more than a year earlier.

Of this amount, 2 billion 465 million 552,086 manats are allocated 

for defense, for national security - 413 million 410,402 manats, for 

the Border Service - 487 million 698,516 manats, for applied research 

in the field of defense and national security - 5 million 132,430 

manats . 3 billion 49 million 253,986 manats will be allocated for 

other activities in the field of defense and national security, and 3 

billion manats for special defense projects and activities.

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