Russian MP comments on employment of U.S. officer by Armenia`s  defense minister 

ArmInfo.The appointment of a US Army representative to work in the Armenian Ministry of Defense is 

a consistent step by Yerevan to sever ties with Moscow. This opinion was expressed by the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Konstantin Zatulin.

"What was hitherto secret is becoming clear. I am sure that even 

before this statement, the Pashinyan government was leaking 

everything related to military cooperation with Russia to its new 

partners in the West. Now there is no need to hide it, and this is 

precisely what is connected with the emergence of the official 

representative in the Ministry of Defense. The threat to Russia is 

that the current Pashinyan government is making active efforts to 

reshape the consciousness of Armenian citizens and make them believe 

that the West will help them, and Russia is their enemy. Although 

this is not stated directly. current coordination with the Americans 

and the West in the military field, then within the framework of this 

treacherous course, these are quite understandable consistent steps 

to sever ties with Russia, the post-Soviet space and to come under 

the wing of the West," he said in an interview with Gazeta.Ru.

Zatulin believes that Russia should draw "deep conclusions" in 

connection with Armenia's decision.  According to him, Moscow may 

warn that it will condemn the repression of protesters against the 

Pashinyan government.

"Armenia is now at a crossroads. Although Pashinyan retains the 

possibility of a parliamentary majority until 2026, we know about 

those protest movements in Armenia. For our part, [we can] firmly 

warn that the desire to sit on bayonets and repress protesters will 

be condemned by us and will have consequences in our relations. This 

is much more important than simply reacting with words to the next 

sneeze of the Armenian leadership," he explained.

Zatulin believes that the Armenian leadership may raise the issue of 

the Russian 102nd military base, located in Gyumri and Yerevan. "I am 

sure that at a certain stage the leadership of Armenia, if it feels 

the drive and lack of reaction to everything previous, will 

definitely raise this question. There is not even a doubt about this, 

because Mr. Pashinyan, without being any prime minister, throughout 

his entire public career opposed our base in Armenia, membership in 

the CSTO, and so on. Part of his course has already become the 

official line of the Armenian government. The same applies to the 

base," he concluded.

Prior to this, the United States Under Secretary of State for Civil 

Security, Democracy and Human Rights Uzra Zeya confirmed information 

about the appointment of a representative of the US Army to work in 

the Armenian Ministry of Defense. The politician called this decision 

a "welcome process."

Previously, Pashinyan stated that Armenia is ready to raise the level 

of relations with the United States to a strategic partnership 

between Washington and Yerevan. 

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