Whole Armenian nation imprisoned now - Vahagn Chakhalyan

ArmInfo. The leader of the "Kamq" 

("Will") initiative Vahagn Chakhalyan, who was under two months of 

house arrest, was released. The preventive measure against him has 


In this regard, Chakhalyan himself wrote on his Facebook page in 

particular: "My two-month house arrest has expired, now I am free. 

Few people know that this is not my first house arrest. But my 

arrests are nothing compared to what that today an entire nation is 

imprisoned, both inside and outside Armenia," the politician wrote.

In this vein, he recalled his previous arrests for political reasons, 

starting in the 2000s, and recalled in this regard the famous quote 

that "what doesn't break us, makes us stronger."

At the same time, the politician expressed hope for the speedy 

release of his fellow Dashnak fighters Gerasim Vardanyan, human 

rights activist Karapet Poghosyan and other political prisoners in 

Armenia.  Chakhalyan also hopes for the speedy release of the 

military-political leadership of Artsakh from Baku prisons.

He also said that he does not intend to stop his fight. "They managed 

to temporarily isolate us, but it was not and will not be possible to 

force us to abandon our struggle," Chakhalyan said, adding that their 

initiative still defends its goals and will continue to fight for 

their implementation.

At the same time, the politician emphasized that the demands 

previously voiced by their initiative on the authorities, including 

regarding the dignified return of the Armenians of Artsakh to their 

homes, the resignation of the current Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol 

Pashinyan, a large-scale amnesty, and the elimination of terror by 

the Compulsory Enforcement Service of Judicial Acts , as well as the 

solution to the problems of taxi drivers (the introduction of 

additional duties on online taxis - ed.) remain in force.

In conclusion, he called for continuing the fight, eliminating 

Pashinyan and his team in order to save Armenia.

The leader of the Kamk (Will) initiative Vahagn Chakhalyan was 

detained on May 16 of this year at protests near the building of the 

Armenian government. He was charged with hooliganism using 

information or communication technologies. The court sent him under 

house arrest for two months.

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