The second quarter of 2024 was unprecedented in post-revolutionary Armenia in terms of the use of physical violence against media representatives- CPFS

ArmInfo. The second quarter of 

2024 was unprecedented in post- revolutionary Armenia in terms of the 

use of physical violence against media representatives. This is 

stated in the quarterly report of the Committee to Protect Freedom of 

Speech (CPFS). 

At the same time, the Committee emphasized that this is due to the 

tense socio-political atmosphere against the background of the border 

delimitation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, mass protests, 

numerous clashes between the police and demonstrators. The Committee 

also recalled that during the clashes between the police and 

demonstrators, journalists and cameramen were attacked. "Although in 

recent years, demonstrations, rallies and marches have often been 

accompanied by violations of the rights of media representatives, 

they reached their peak during the observed period. In particular, 14 

cases of physical violence against journalists and cameramen were 

registered, when 23 people were injured. This is the highest figure 

recorded since 2018, and the number of victims is equal to the number 

recorded during the revolution. Most of the physical violence - 11, 

is the result of disproportionate actions by government agencies," 

the CPSF report says.

During the observed period, the flow of lawsuits against journalists 

and media increased. In April-June, 17 such new lawsuits were filed 

against 12 in the previous quarter. 5 lawsuits were filed by 

businessmen, 4 by government officials, 4 by citizens, 2 by lawyers, 

1 by an NGO and 1 by an opposition member.

Over the quarter, the number of violations of the right to receive 

and disseminate official information from government agencies 

decreased. We recorded 19 such cases compared to 41 in the previous 

quarter. The problem here remains unjustified refusals to provide 

information requested by journalists and the media, unjustified 

delays in responding to written inquiries or vague responses that are 

not related to the essence of the questions," the Committee noted.  

Thus, according to the Committee, in the first half of 2024, 14 cases 

(23 victims) of physical violence against journalists, 43 cases of 

pressure on the media, 60 cases of obstruction of information, as 

well as 29 court cases against representatives of the media on 

charges of insult and slander were recorded. It is also noted that 

during the quarter, international human rights and journalistic 

organizations Amnesty International, Freedom House, Reporters Without 

Borders, as well as the US State Department, mentioned cases of 

violation of the rights of media representatives in Armenia and the 

state of freedom of speech, recording that the media in the country 

continue to polarize.

"According to these reports, an important achievement is the created 

pluralistic environment. Thanks to this, Armenia improved its 

position by 6 points in the press freedom rating, according to 

"Reporters Without Borders". Last year, the Republic of Armenia was 

49th in the list of 180 countries, this year - 43rd.  However, the 

organization stated that the legal framework regulating this area in 

the country does not sufficiently protect freedom of the press and 

does not meet European standards," the Committee noted.

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