"Earth and Water -2" participants and pianist Tigran Hamasyan were  attacked in Aragatsotn

ArmInfo.A group of citizens attacked members of the cultural event "Earth and Water -2"  initiative group, including the famous pianist Tigran Hamasyan, at the crossroads of Alagyaz-Artik.  The organizing committee of the event stated that the initiative group went to Aragats on August 29,  with the aim of organizing a festival at the foot of mount Aragats  and to film a concert in the field.  

The statement notes that a group  of approximately 70 people, equipped with  technical gear and a  piano, together with a world-famous jazz musician, songwriter and  performer Tigran Hamasyan and the Khazer choir, went to Lake Rapi on  the northern slope of Aragats to arrange the recording and video  shooting of the concert.

"Around 16:00, 3 people who had nothing to do with what was going on,  arrived at the filming location by car, setting on the opposite bank  of the lake and unintentionally appearing in the frame. The  organizers of the filming asked the "uninvited guests" to move  slightly from the place they had located to avoid disrupting the  filming," as stated by the organizing committee of "Earth and Water  -2".  It is also noted that despite agreeing to change their resting  place, they began  intentionally disrupting the filming process.   "The concert recording ended at 19:45. And the film crew, which  consisted of 10 cars, headed to the city.  However, when they reached  the crossroads of the village of Geghadzor and the H21 road  (Artik-Alagyaz), three cars blocked their way.

The people who blocked the road attacked the first few cars in the  group's column, broke the window of one of the car in which Tigran  Hamasyan was riding, hit the driver of another car in the face  several times, and then struck his head on the steering wheel." The  organizing committee stated in a relaese, adding that they contacted  the police at 21:20. But they arrived at the scene of the incident  only at 21:45, when the attackers had already fled the scene.

The organizing committee also reported that they filed a complaint  with the police regarding the incident, providing both photographs of  the attackers who obstructed the filming and broke the window of one  of the cars, as well as photographs of the vehicles and photographs  of the license plates. "We expect the RA Police and other law  enforcement agencies to work urgently and effectively in identifying  the criminals.  Otherwise, we will take further actions to seek  justice. Armenia must be rid of criminals. If law enforcement  agencies cannot address the issue, we will do it our own way," the  event organizers concluded.  

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