Celebration of declaration of independence of Artsakh contrary to  Armenia`s interests

ArmInfo.The celebration of the anniversary of the declaration of independence of the Republic of Artsakh is contrary to the long-term interests of the Republic of Armenia, which is why the National Democratic Pole (NDP, "Bever") will not participate in any event dedicated to this day. This is stated in the statement of the NDP Council received by ArmInfo. 

The NDP emphasized that they are making this statement taking into account the domestic political situation in Armenia and seeking to remove the current Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan from power, thereby preventing the integration of the Republic of Armenia into the Turan project. "We believe that the declaration of independence of Artsakh was dictated from outside and was a political and strategic mistake that contradicted the principles of the declaration of independence of the Republic of Armenia.  This led to the most difficult present, when the enemy, which for years presented the Republic of Armenia as an occupier, tried to justify its military occupation of the territory of Artsakh," the NDP statement reads.

At the same time, the political force notes that only one option is acceptable for it: the reunification of Artsakh with Armenia, since the current Republic of Armenia, being the successor of the First Republic of Armenia, was forced to reject the famous decision of Stalin's Caucasian Bureau of 1921, by which Artsakh was illegally placed under the administrative subordination of the Azerbaijan Soviet Republic. At the same time, the NDP emphasized that they are in favor of the return of the people of Artsakh to their homeland under international security guarantees. They also called on all political forces to reconsider their approaches to the Artsakh issue, taking into account regional realities and international law. "Only through joint efforts and a realistic approach can we find a fair and sustainable solution to this complex issue," the NDP stated. 

On August 31, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan also stated at a press conference in Yerevan that in the current realities, in the form in which the people of Artsakh imagine it, the return of the people of Artsakh to their native homes is not realistic. 

According to him, this is contrary to the state interests of the Republic of Armenia. Let us recall that on September 2, 1991, a joint session of the Nagorno-Karabakh regional and Shahumyan district councils of people's deputies was held, at which the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) was proclaimed. The proclamation of the NKR took place within the borders of the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region (NKAO) and the Shahumyan region.

Thus, the right reflected in the legislation in force at that time was realized, in particular, in the law adopted on April 3, 1990, which provided for the granting of the right to national autonomies to independently determine their state and legal status in the event of the withdrawal of a union republic from the USSR. 

On December 10, 1991, just a few days before the official fall of the Soviet Union, a referendum was held in Nagorno-Karabakh, during which the overwhelming majority of the population - 99.89% - voted for complete independence from Azerbaijan. After this, the NKR parliament was elected in parliamentary elections, which formed the first government. The independent NKR government carried out its duties under the conditions of an absolute blockade and the subsequent military aggression of Azerbaijan. 

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