Eli Lake: Hamas Being Viewed as a “Legitimate Resistance” Is the “Real Danger That We Have”

Eli Lake, reporter at The Free Press, host of “The Re-Education” podcast, and contributing editor at Commentary, joined The Guy Benson Show to discuss the harrowing news of half a dozen hostages, including an American citizen, being murdered over the weekend by Hamas. Benson and Lake delved into the shocking celebrations by students and Americans following these atrocities and highlighted the deeper issue of antisemitism that is being fostered within elite institutions. The pair also covered Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s rebuttal of claims that Israel is not doing enough to secure the release of hostages, and you can listen to the full interview below!

Full Interview:

Listen to the full podcast:

Lake had this to say on the “real threat” that Hamas is posing to the west:

“The view that Hamas represents a legitimate resistance, that their almost pornographic violence is somehow, kind of an authentic expression of Palestinian dispossession or whatever you want to call it, is the real danger that we have… This isn’t a fringe phenomenon…it’s an elite phenomenon.”

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